5 Ways Agile Testing Is Different from Traditional Testing

It’s the distinctions between agile and traditional software development approaches, as well as the adaptability of testers in these very different environments, that makes agile testing different from traditional testing. Agile demands more from its testers, and, in turn, it values them more, too. Let’s look at five main things that make an agile tester’s life different from that of a traditional tester.

The agile world is abuzz nowadays with talk about agile testing and the key role of testers in an agile project. Some even say testers are the key piece of an agile team, arguing that they define the success or failure of the team’s attempts to be agile.

But what makes agile testing different from traditional testing? It’s the distinctions between the agile and traditional software development approaches, but also the adaptability of testers in these very different environments. Agile demands more from its testers, and, in turn, it values them more, too.

Let’s look at five main things that make an agile tester’s life different from that of a traditional tester.

Continuous Involvement

In traditional projects, the test team works mostly in a silo, and there is little or no interaction needed with developers or other teams on a daily basis. But in agile, the test team is integrated with the Scrum team instead of being a separate unit. They need to be continuously involved in all aspects of the project, starting with the requirements and design of each feature. This makes the testers’ days busier with discussions, meetings, and interactions where they need to put forward their opinions.

Agile necessitates that everybody report to the Scrum team first and their separate testing or development team later. In my experience as a part of a Scrum team, we would discuss our vacations or skill training needs first within the Scrum team, then inform our test manager afterward.

Essential Tools

Agile needs tool support more than traditional projects do because of the pace of development and continuous iterations. Each iteration brings along some regression work from the previous iterations that needs to be automated quickly.

The same is true for test data generation, white-box testing tools, and static analysis tools, which become a necessity in an agile system. Given the time and quality constraints, performing white-box tests using control flow or data flow analysis, static analysis of code, or reviews for code and documents is no longer optional. Instead, it’s a mandate to prevent defects and ingrain quality into each work product.

While in traditional projects, tools may be a luxury we might not be able to afford, in an agile project they become a necessity. Testers need these tools’ abilities in order to achieve their quality targets.

When my team began our agile transformation, we had one automation engineer who would work on automation scripts for the entire project. But when pacing through the sprints, we quickly realized that one automation engineer was not able to keep pace with automating all features in all sprints. So, everybody started pitching in by scripting the features they tested, and eventually it was mandated. The automation expert was only used for framework-level implementation, and later he was absorbed as a functional tester.

Due to frequent changes in the application within the sprint, we would follow an (n–1) approach to automation of our product, automating the features of the nth sprint in the next sprint, then subsequently using them for regression. But due to overload of regression building up as we progressed, it was crucial that each tester be able to perform and use the tools effectively, building up the test suites every sprint.

Multidimensional Skills

A traditional project has set expectations from the testers and testing activities. Each phase of testing gives set outputs, such as test design and specifications in the design phase, functional issues and defect reports in the execution phase, regression tests and retest results in reruns, and acceptance test reports in the end phase. This pattern does not leave much room for anything else because the project is already hard-pressed at the deadline.

But an agile tester’s viewpoint covers not only the functional aspects of what he is testing, but also many broader aspects of the application. He need not be a performance testing expert to suggest during the design discussions that the design might not be able to support too many users. He may not be a usability expert, but he can suggest better ways to design the web form of their user story. He may not be a technical writer, but he may be required to review the installation guide steps. An agile tester has to have a broader perspective of quality in his project’s context and possess skills in all those areas.

Effective Communication

Agile requires effective communication among the team members at all times, and testers play a key role in establishing and maintaining that. For example, as a part of a Scrum team, a tester will be required to wear many hats: that of a requirement critic for the product owner, of a design reviewer for the developers and architects, of a functionality expert as a tester, and of a release adviser to the manager. Testers have to give their opinions and ideas at all stages of the project, which may be not required (or even much welcomed) in a traditional project.

Testers act as the binding force of the team when they work in pairs with developers, sharing their test cases and ideas, as well as when they work as a quality reporter for the manager, with daily statistics and defect metrics for each sprint. The art of verbal and written communication is essential in an agile project.

Quick Feedback from Testing

The most important difference for agile testers is the quick feedback being given from the testing perspective at every point. The agile timeframes are shorter than on a traditional project, and testing needs to provide feedback about project quality on a regular basis. Daily stand-up meetings, design discussion or review meetings, the user story verification status, and sprint retrospectives all require constant feedback from testers.

There is some additional pressure because the direction of the project gets defined by this feedback, and there is no final “quality gateway” at the end if the project does not meet the deadlines or quality goals. This keeps the testers on their feet at all times, unlike in traditional projects where testers are required only at the end of the project for a sign-off.

Working in an agile environmnet can be challenging for testers coming from traditional projects, but by being open, flexible, and adaptive, they will find that an agile team is a wonderful place to be a tester.

User Comments

Darren Davie's picture

You have highlight some great points to think about. Thanks NIshi.

One thought was that one of the key parts of agile is that it is iterative and incremental and we get the opportunity to learn adjust and improve different ideas.

October 18, 2016 - 4:58pm
Nishi Grover's picture

Hi Darren

Thanks for your appreciation. I definitely agree to what you said, as per my experience I have gotten all the opportunities to learn, improve, fail and re-learn in all the different situations throughout my career in agile.

Warm Regards


November 19, 2016 - 11:03pm
Martin Hillbrand's picture

Hi Nishi,

nice article, that will help every traditional tester understand the impact of changing to an agile project ;) 

Minor addition:

I would not concentrate so much on the Tools as being essentials, but more on the fact that it will/might need more technical knowledge in the usage of test automation tools. (which might even mean, developing some small pieces of code)

Secondly the Effective communication sounds a little bit as critique to other people on the team/Product Owner and so on. I see it, that through the raising of questions and discussing the topics from an testers perspecitve we achieve a more quality product even before writing the first line of source code. (e.g.: If I, as tester, tell development what will be my standard test cases, I hope to prevent, having the communication overhead on failing tests that I already know)

Keep up the good work,


October 19, 2016 - 7:39am
Nishi Grover's picture

Hey Martin, thanks a lot for your appreciation and kind words. I agree to your point that usage of tools would require more technical knowledge, the only point I wanted to highlight was the fact that agile testers would necessarily require use of tools more for the pace than a traditional tester. 

And same for the point on communication, I do not mean to critique the communication skills of teh other stakeholders or the team, but just trying to highlight the need of good communication skills is more for an agile tester due to need to cotinuously collaborate and pair with the other team mates and stakeholders. 

Thanks again.



November 19, 2016 - 10:59pm
Bill Desjarlais's picture

Nishi, great article.  You make an interesting point about tools.  My client uses the traditional testing approach.  Each group has their own tools.  The challenge in moving to agile will be getting all those tools to integrate.


August 17, 2017 - 9:56am
Mayukh Ghosh's picture

Open question - In an Agile setup, is the role of a Test Manager required?

November 29, 2017 - 3:29am

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