This paper describes an interface-driven approach that combines requirement modeling to support automated test case and test driver generation.
This paper describes an interface-driven approach that combines requirement modeling to support automated test case and test driver generation.
It focuses on how test engineers can develop more reusable models by clarifying textual requirements as models in terms of component or system interfaces. The focus of interface-driven modeling has been recognized as an improvement over the process of requirement-driven model-based test automation. The insights and recommendations for applying this approach were identified by model-based testing users when they began to scale their model-based testing efforts on larger projects.
Dr. Mark Blackburn is a Software Productivity Consortium Fellow and co-inventor of the T-VEC system. He has twenty years of software systems engineering experience in development, management and applied research of process, methods and tools. He spends most of his time helping companies adopt model-based testing. He is a frequent speaker at conferences and symposia, authored more than 70 papers, and is actively involved in consulting, strategic planning, proposal and business development, as well as developing and applying methods for model-based approaches to support requirement defect removal and test automation. He earned a BS in Mathematics from Arizona State, MS in Mathematics from Florida Atlantic University, and a Ph.D. in Information Technology from George Mason University.
Aaron Nauman has a wide range of systems and applications development experience in both real-time (telecommunications) and information systems domains. He is currently involved in the development of model transformation and software verification through specification-based automated testing.
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