The target of SQL tuning is the improvement of the existing execution plan. The authors discuss the removal of brakes in the execution plan. Such "brakes" or bottlenecks can be recognized by a formal analysis of the execution plan. For this purpose no data model knowledge is needed. This is especially beneficial for database administrators because they are usually not or insufficiently familiar with the data model.
Books Guide: IT Operations
IT Operations
List of books available on the topic of IT Operations.
DevOps is an emerging set of principles, methods and practices for communication, collaboration and integration between software development (application/software engineering) and IT operations (systems administration/infrastructure) professionals. It has developed in response to the emerging understanding of the interdependence and importance of both the development and operations disciplines in meeting an organization's goal of rapidly producing software products and services.
Filled with practical insights, IT Release Management: A Hands-on Guide clearly illustrates the effective implementation of a release process in the real world. It examines the similarities and differences of release management and project management to clear up any confusion there might be about the two complementary processes.
Model-based Software Performance Analysis introduces performance concerns in the scope of software modeling, thus allowing the developer to carry on performance analysis throughout the software lifecycle.
Continuous Delivery shows how to create fully automated, repeatable, and reliable processes for rapidly moving changes through build, deploy, test, and release. Using these techniques, software organizations are getting critical fixes and other new releases into production in hours—sometimes even minutes—even in large projects with complex code bases.
Finding cool languages, tools, or development techniques is easy-new ones are popping up every day. Convincing co-workers to adopt them is the hard part. The problem is political, and in political fights, logic doesn't win for logic's sake. Hard evidence of a superior solution is not enough. But that reality can be tough for programmers to overcome.
Filled with comparative charts and decision trees, Implementing and Developing Cloud Computing Applications explains exactly what it takes to build robust and highly scalable cloud computing applications in any organization.
This book shares practical tips, examples, and case studies to help you establish a culture of continuous improvement to deliver IT operational excellence and business value to your organization.
Much is said about the advantages and risks of cloud computing, but how do you actually create a web application for this environment or migrate existing applications to it? With this book, you'll learn the programming and system administration skills necessary to build and support applications in the cloud, using transactional apps for customer orders and payments as a practical example.
Cloud Computing and SOA Convergence in Your Enterprise offers a clear-eyed assessment of the challenges associated with this new world—and offers a step-by-step program for getting there with maximum return on investment and minimum risk. Using multiple examples, Linthicum:
CMMI® for Services (CMMI-SVC) is a comprehensive set of guidelines to help organizations establish and improve processes for delivering services. By adapting and extending proven standards and best practices to reflect the unique challenges faced in service industries, CMMI-SVC offers providers a practical and focused framework for achieving higher levels of service quality, controlling costs, improving schedules, and ensuring user satisfaction.
CMMI-ACQ® (Capability Maturity Model® Integration for Acquisition) describes best practices for the successful acquisition of products and services. Providing a practical framework for improving acquisition processes, "CMMI-ACQ" addresses the growing trend in business and government for organizations to purchase or outsource required products and services as an alternative to in-house development or resource allocation.
Maintaining compatibility among all affected network and application interfaces of modern enterprise systems can quickly become costly and overwhelming. This handbook presents the knowledge and practical experience of a global group of experts from varying disciplines to help you plan and implement enterprise integration projects that respond to business needs quickly and are seamless to business users.
Richard Hopkins and Kevin Jenkins explain why accumulated business and IT complexity is the root cause of large-scale project failure and show how to overcome that complexity "one bite of the elephant at a time." You'll learn how to manage every phase of the Brownfield project, leveraging breakthrough collaboration, communication, and visualization tools--including Web 2.0, semantic software engineering, model-driven development and architecture, and even virtual worlds.
Companies moving toward flexible SOA architectures often face difficult information management and integration challenges. The master data they rely on is often stored and managed in ways that are redundant, inconsistent, inaccessible, non-standardized, and poorly governed. Using Master Data Management (MDM), organizations can regain control of their master data, improve corresponding business processes, and maximize its value in SOA environments.
Leading IBM® ITIL expert and author Larry Klosterboer shares solid expertise gained from real implementations across multiple industries. He helps you decide where to invest, avoid ITIL pitfalls, and build successful, long-term processes that deliver real return on investment. You'll find detailed guidance on each process, integrated into a comprehensive roadmap for planning, implementation, and operation—a roadmap available nowhere else.
Now, there's a practical, start-to-finish guide to ITIL configuration management for every IT leader, manager, and practitioner. ITIL-certified architect and solutions provider Larry Klosterboer helps you establish a clear roadmap for success, customize standard processes to your unique needs, and avoid the pitfalls that stand in your way.
Patterns for Performance and Operability is filled with practical, hands-on software development and testing techniques to ensure customers enjoy properly running software rather than complain about bugs and system crashes.
How would you feel if you visited your financial planners office and saw past-due credit card notices on their desk? Would you trust an auto mechanic whose car backfires and produces black smoke? A dentist with bad teeth? A banker in shabby clothes? An interior designer whose offices are a shambles?
Web Services are an integral part of next generation Web applications. The development and use of these services is growing at an incredible rate, and so too are the security issues surrounding them. Hacking Web Services is a practical guide for understanding Web services security and assessment methodologies. Written for intermediate-to-advanced security professionals and developers, the book provides an in-depth look at new concepts and tools used for Web services security.
The book teaches the skills and knowledge you need to design, develop, implement, analyze, and maintain networks and network protocols.
No one can disparage the ability to write good code. At its highest levels, it is an art. But no one can confuse writing good code with developing good software. The difference--in terms of challenges, skills, and compensation--is immense. Coder to Developer helps you excel at the many non-coding tasks entailed, from start to finish, in just about any successful development project.
Honeypots for Windows will cover installing, configuring, and maintaining security Honeypots on Windows platforms, specifically the popular open source Honeypot product called honeyd, and summarize other commercial Honeypot solutions. There are no computer security books covering Honeypots (or IDSs) as they run on Windows platforms.
This book introducies the Production Services function, which addresses the needs of multiple departments within IT, including Applications Development and Computer Operations.
This book introduces Microsoft® Windows® administrators to the world of Open Source applications in order to save time and money.
Enterprise Integration Patterns provides an invaluable catalog of sixty-five patterns, with real-world solutions that demonstrate the formidable of messaging and help you to design effective messaging solutions for your enterprise.
Troubleshooting expert Richard Blum takes you through some of the basic elements that affect network performance and then supplies you with information about the Open Source tools used for monitoring the network to uncover any of these problems.
Information technology professionals must ensure that the systems under their management provide an acceptable quality of service to their users. Managers must avoid the pitfalls of inadequate capacity and meet users' performance expectations in a cost-effective manner. Performance engineers, system administrators, software engineers, network administrators, capacity planners and analysts, managers, consultants, and other IT professionals will benefit from reading parts or the entire book.
(from Book Info) Provides comprehensive coverage of database performance tuning using Oracle 8i and select 9i examples as the RDBMS. Combines theory with practical tools to address the tuning and optimization issues of DBAs and developers, irrespective of whether they use Oracle.
A network security breach (a hack, crack, or other invasion) occurs when unauthorized access to the network is achieved and havoc results. The best possible defense is an offensive strategy that allows you to regularly test your network to reveal the vulnerabilities and close the holes before someone gets in. Also, learn how to conduct thorough security examinations via illustrations and virtual simulations.
The book's collected articles offer important perspectives on the role of metrics in the development process, and show how metrics directly enhance software quality and output efficiency. The book explores several vital areas, including Function Point Analysis, project estimation and management, outsourcing, statistical process control, and more. These articles range from basic theory to the sophisticated application of metrics.
The most complete guide to data protection, disaster recovery avoidance, and disaster recovery tools, techniques, and technologies! Disaster Recovery Planning, Second Edition shows exactly how to implement world-class disaster recovery for today's distributed environments--without paying for expensive consultants or proprietary methodologies! Veteran planner and analyst Jon William Toigo delivers strategies and insight that any company can use, large or small.
Foundations of Service Level Management provides detailed recommendations for creating a service level management strategy and establishing service level agreements.
The first step in securing a system from infiltration, theft, and sabotage is knowing where the weak points are. This nuts-and-bolts guide helps computer professionals make a meaningful security assessment of their systems by understanding hackers' methods. The book offers expert advice on staying on top of the latest viruses and stopping password cracking, sniffing attacks, spoofing, and session hijacking before they happen.
In today's round-the-clock, hyper-connected, all-digital economy, computer security is everyone's business.
Bestselling authors deliver an authoritative, hands-on book of tools for maintaining constant system availability. Reliability is not a quality that can simply be purchased; instead, it needs to be engineered into a system or product. Here is the only top-to-bottom guide available for the assessment, design, implementation, and testing of a system for 100% reliability.
The bestselling author of the ISP Survival Guide returns with an unprecedented look at network performance solutions delivered from an Internet perspective
KEY BENEFIT: Virtually overnight, capacity planning has become the most critical issue for Web and intranet developers. This is the first comprehensive guide to every aspect of making sure your Web and intranet servers will deliver the performance your users and executives expect.
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