Agile Dev, Better Software & DevOps Conference East 2015


Performance Testing Cloud-Based Systems

As cloud computing becomes of strategic importance in the enterprise, part of the solution is no longer on-premise but in the cloud, adding a layer of complexity. Edwin Chan demystifies performance testing of cloud systems and applications by addressing the following key questions: Is...

Edwin Chan, Deloitte Inc.

Power Your Teams with Git

Github revolutionized the coding world with their “social coding” approach. In doing so, Git, the source code repository behind Github, vaulted to the forefront of our industry. If Git hasn’t made its way into your, or your team’s, tool belt, Josh Anderson explains why it should. Learn how...

Josh Anderson, Dude Solutions
Product Backlog Refinement: Grooming Your User Stories

The Scrum Guide describes Product Backlog Refinement as “the act of adding detail, estimates, and order to items in the Product Backlog.” New and even experienced agile teams often underestimate the importance of well-groomed stories and find the process of reviewing numerous stories...

Becky Moshenek, ANCILE Solutions
Rejuvenate Your Scrum Implementation: From Good to Great

After implementing Scrum, some organizations slowly stray away from the basics that made their implementation successful. They loosen up Scrum practices, lose sight of core roles and responsibilities, and succumb to their muscle memory of how things were done before. Teams have little...

Denise Dantzler, Werner Enterprises
Requirements Are Simply Requirements—or Maybe Not

When talking about requirements, people use identical terms and think they have a common understanding. Yet, one says user stories are requirements; another claims user stories must be combined with requirements; and yet another has a different approach. These “experts” seem unaware of...

Robin Goldsmith, Go Pro Management, Inc.

Soft Skills You Need Are Not Always Taught in Class

For years in the software industry, the focus of discussion, programs, and expense has been on career skill development to enhance team performance. To support skill development, a variety of certifications and training opportunities have been created to increase technical knowledge...

Jon Hagar, Independent Consultant
Software Craftsmanship and Agile Code Games

Musicians and athletes spend most of their time practicing—not performing. If as software developers we just learn on our job and don’t practice, we will continue to make mistakes on code meant for customers. We must improve the quality of our skills which will, in turn, improve the...

Mike Clement, Greater Sum

Test Data Management: A Healthcare Industry Case Study

As IT systems increase in both scale and complexity, delivering quality applications becomes more challenging. In addition to creating and executing test scenarios, testers need to create and maintain the test data that enables test execution. Test data management (TDM) creates and...

Jatinder Singh, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, and Shaheer Mohammed, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care

Testing Is the Profession I Chose

Never underestimate the power of sharing the testing team’s achievements, lessons learned, challenges faced, roadblocks encountered, and the enriching solutions found. Jyothi Rangaiah says as testers we must be ready to nurture the needs of testing and testers in the organizations we serve.

Jyothi Rangaiah

The Show Must Go On: Leadership Lessons from the Theater

When creating a play or movie, what are the first three rules of directing? Casting, casting, and casting. How does Saturday Night Live produce sketch after sketch of comedy? By iterating. John Krewson finds that the principles of leadership and management in the worlds of theatre, TV, and...

John Krewson, MasterCard Worldwide


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