STARCANADA 2017 - Software Testing Conference


A Journey from DevOps to DevTestOps: Infusing Continuous Quality

As companies realize the need for rapid application development, they are embracing DevOps methodologies. But implementing DevOps practices without establishing a culture of quality often results in lower quality software or a poor customer experience, which impacts the business bottom line.

Gajan Pathmanathan

Accessibility Standards and Testing Techniques: Be Inclusive or Be Left Behind

While Information and Communication Technology (ICT) accessibility for a wider spectrum of users—including the blind—and their interfaces is being required by law across more jurisdictions, testing for it remains limited, naïve, and too late. The consequences of staying ignorant include...

David Best

Amp Up Your Testing by Harnessing Test Data

The data tsunami is coming—or maybe it’s already here. Data science, big data, and machine learning are the buzzwords of the day. Data is changing our products and the way we build them, so we should also change the way we verify our products. In a world of increasing connectivity and...

Steve Rowe

Architecting an Agile Test Transformation Program

Transitioning test automation efforts from traditional to agile approaches is challenging because it requires cultural, process, technology, and people changes to create a sustained mindset shift and drive desired outcomes. Join Klaudia Breslavets to learn how a complex organization scaled...

Klaudia Breslavets

Are Your Tests Well-Traveled? Thoughts on Test Coverage

There are many places to visit it the world and it can be interesting to see “where you’ve been”. There are many places in software for tests to visit, and seeing “where the tests have been” can be very interesting for testers. Dot Graham explains what coverage is, and why it can be...

Dorothy Graham

Automating Performance Testing at Every Step

A major insurance company is building its next-generation claims system and has fifty new APIs to test in twelve months. The entire effort is launched as a first-time agile project with continuous integration. Will the load test, which worked so well with waterfall, serve us when we build...

Obbie Pet

Behavior Driven Development—A Guide to Agile Practices

It seems as if the agile methods have lots of DD’s going on. BDD – Behavior Driven Development, ATDD – Acceptance Test Driven Development and several others. Adopting BDD allows for testing to be done as early as possible in the software development life cycle, promoting accurate testing...

Josh Eastman

Blunders in Test Automation

In chess, the word blunder means a very bad move by someone who should know better. Even though functional test automation has been around for a long time, people still make some very bad moves and serious blunders. The most common misconception in automation is thinking that manual...

Dorothy Graham

Defining the Optimal Level of Test Automation

Test automation scripts are largely run against stable functionality with repeatable results. But automation does not have to be just about running reliable tests against a fixed code base to make them effective; rather, you can determine the right level of automation you need to meet your...

Jim Trentadue

Flaky No More: Find the Right Framework for Your Selenium Tests

Selenium has an industry reputation of being a flaky tool where individual tests pass, then fail—sometimes with no production changes at all. Such flakiness in your test suites can be extremely difficult, time-consuming, and frustrating to debug. The vast majority of these issues come from...

Craig Schwarzwald


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