STAREAST 2015 - Software Testing Conference


Implement an Enterprise Performance Test Process

Suddenly, application performance is important to your business, and you have been given the budget to improve it. You’re in a hurry because customers are complaining or because you expect jumps in transaction volume and your application needs to scale quickly. Do you know where to start?

Ryan Riehle, InCycle Software

Improve Security through Continuous Testing

Many companies develop strong software development practices that include ongoing testing throughout the development lifecycle. But they fail to account for the testing of security-related issues. This leads to security controls being tacked on to an application just before it goes to...

Jeremy Faircloth, Raytheon

Improve Your Test Process from the Bottom Up

Test process improvement can be done in many ways. In a top-down approach a central organization does all the planning, and then implementation is done when everything is ready. In a bottom-up approach the improvements, developed and implemented in individual projects, are then spread...

Gitte Ottosen, Capgemini-Sogeti Denmark

Innovation: From the Tester’s Viewpoint

Innovation is not usually associated with testing or quality assurance. For our field to tackle the quality issues of modern applications and remain relevant, we must innovate. The good news is that there are lots of opportunity to innovate today. Sharing hard-earned tips and tricks...

Jason Arbon,

Measuring Quality: Testing Metrics and Trends in Practice

In today's fast-paced IT world, companies follow “best” testing trends and practices with the assumption that, by applying these methodologies, their product quality will improve. But that does not always happen. Why? Liana Gevorgyan questions and defines, in the language of metrics...

Liana Gevorgyan, Infostretch Corporation

Metrics Program Implementation: Pitfalls and Successes

When we talk about product quality, test team efficiency, and productivity, we always talk numbers. However, very few companies implement metrics programs in a way that supports solid decision making. Many have tried and failed, leaving a negative impression of metrics. Kris Kosyk explains...

Kris Kosyk, SoftServe

Mindmaps: Lightweight Documentation for Testing

Quality starts with requirements. In small to mid-size companies, it is not uncommon for the communication chain to be broken. Florin Ursu shares ways to avoid miscommunication through a streamlined process in which requirements are communicated to both developers and testers...

Florin Ursu, DMEautomotive

Mobile App Testing: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Mobile app testing has lots of good practices, some not so useful (bad) concepts, and some really ugly, don’t-ever-do ones. In the tradition of James Whittaker’s How to Break Software books, Jon Hagar applies the testing “attack” concept to mobile app software. Jon starts by defining the...

Jon Hagar, Independent Consultant

Performance Testing in the Agile Lifecycle

Traditional large scale end-of-cycle performance tests served enterprises well in the waterfall era. However, as organizations transition to agile development models, many find their tried and true approach to performance testing—and their performance testing resources—becoming somewhat...

Lee Barnes, Utopia

Reduce Third-Party Tool Dependencies in Your Test Framework

Have you found yourself forced to use outdated test tools because the cost to migrate was prohibitive? Have you abandoned or rewritten existing tests because it was easier (and cheaper) than migrating? With technology ever changing, most businesses struggle to keep up with producing...

Chris Mauck, Neustar, Inc.


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