cm synergy Questions

We have a few shared projects used as buckets for adhoc pieces of code, and it looks like one of them was checked in 3 weeks ago; they normally sit at 'shared' status, but one has now changed to 'test' status and build managers are now unable to add new objects (permission denied to workarea folder).

Is there an easy way for me to move this project back from 'test' to 'prep' that anyone knows?

Thanks in advance



I like to know the output of a command from Synergy 7.1. Since, we have already moved to the newer version Synergy 7.2, I dont have environment to check this. This output of this command is needed for modification in one of our internal script.

If you still uses Synergy 7.1, may you able to provide me the output of the following command:
ccm properties -f %status% non-existing-object-four-partname

Following output is resulted in Synergy 7.2 ::
ccm properties -f %status% non-existing-object-four-partname
CRCCG1025E The value 'non-existing-object-four-partname' for the object_spec argument is not valid.
CRCCM0302W The object specified by 'non-existing-object-four-partname' does not exist.
Recommendation: Read the Synergy help for information about this command.

Best Regards

Deepak Bawankar


after upgrading one database from synergy 6.5 to 7.1 checking on the MDL_INFO file for the recent upgraded datbases i.e "x" and another one with version 7.1 i.e "y" I found a differance which is "IBM Rational Synergy Fix Pack" found only on Y file database and not found on X databases (which is reacnetly upgraded)

is there any clarification for this please




By Deepak Bawankar - January 28, 20141 Answer

Hi All,
I am using Synergy 7.1. I am trying to create a new CV type. But, I get a warning message "Unable to create new CV type '<type_name>'". I am using ccm_admin account, and ofcourse with classic client. Also, this type does not exist.
Since it is only warning message, I am unable to trace the reason.
Any suggestion ?



I am trying to find out the projects which are in state integrate and have a specific purpose by specific user  I tried the command:

ccm query -o <user_id> -t project -state integrate

This command gives me all the projects which are in integrate state and owned by the user. But, I am unable to further filter this command to give me only the list of projects with purpose=Integration Testing.

Any suggestion ?

Thanks and Regards,



I am in a process of standardazing the project naming convetion. And I want to know how many characters are permissible for a project name ? I can do Hit and Trial, but I am being lazy for it. I went through the manuals but dint find the required information. Can some one please suggest.




I have created new objects in the work area, and performed the sync work area. However, the Synergy Work area conflict window does not show the new objects. However, the same is working fine for another user. I verified the folders permission, and it looks good.

Can some one help me, what could be the problem ?


1. The default rules ignore .o files and obj directory. We built .o files in a lib directory and added to the mapping_rules after INCLDUE ATUO RULES to override and Set Type of .o to 'library'. The admin did a DB refresh,and still Sync (from the GUI) does not show any .o files for the build manager's int prep project.

I can manually add a file of .o and set the type to 'library'. If I set the file to prodcut and recompile it, will a command line reconclie update the .o on an auto task (ie the builder doesn't need to provide an assigned task ID)?

2. It looks like the default rule is to ignore .md files. We build a lot of these and the Sync (GUI toolbar) shows all the .md files as conflicts.

How come the rules aren't doing what they say?



Some of our developers get General IO Connection reset error when they do sync work area.

Recommendation:Please check data communication,protocol data etc.,.

Any advise to me.



Hello CMC Team,


I have been working on SVN for more than 2 years, and one of the features i admired in this tool, is that it can be coupled with Standard web-container like Apache to extract logs on usage management. (better security).

Do you know if a setup like that can (or had existed) for CM Synergy (v:7.1), where i can procure the list of users on demand, irrespective of the source repositories hosted in the tool

Thank you for your response.


nagarjun k


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