synergy Questions

Sorry if this has been asked before, but I couldn't find an answer.

I would really like to get my hands on a copy of the full documentation for the Perl API. I have seen parts of it posted on this forum but not enough to allow me to work with CR attachments.


Hi Synergy experts...

I need help into understanding Synergy backend session. Doing a ccm monitor or ccm ps command provides me with details of how many process am i running on my Synergy Server.

What i wanted to learn is how this number affects my Unix box performance. We have had issues that there is a dramatic degrade in server performance due to too many running synergy process running.

I have created a little script to check there Synergy connection against my Oracle database. What I do is to kill INACTIVE process traced from oracle and map to unix process ids.

Anyone who have more knowledge how the proper process termination criteria should be?

By Glyn_Mo - February 21, 20114 Answers

I'm wondering if anybody knows when exactly a cache value is generated for a Synergy object?

Is a cache value for an object generated by simply opening viewing an object from the GUI, in addition to when you create an object and perform a "Use" on the object?

I've noticed that if a cache value for an object is deleted on the file system, viewing the properties of the object in Synergy still shows the object as having the CVID of the cache value deleted from the file system. Opening the said object from Synergy then re-creates the object in the cache on the file system.

If an object has its cache value deleted from the filesystem (as opposed to using clean_cache), is it possible that the same cache value could be used again by another object?

Is there a command specifically to cache/re-cache a Synergy object?

The reason I ask is that for deployment of code, our DBAs actually copy the object from the cache as opposed to copying it from a project workarea. This means that we cannot regularly run the clean_cache command, which we are desperate to do in order to reduce the backup time.

I wish to be be able to run the clean_cache command regularly as all Synergy documentation and people I've spoken to recommend, but be able to re-cache object when required for deployment.

If anyboy has any knowledge anout Synergy cache use in general, it would be very much appreciated.


in our project there is one interesting requirement initiated by some project managers:

There is a synergy project named "documents" with the release docs/1.0.0. this project contains some papers, protocolls, records, concepts and other important documents. there are also some subprojects and subdirectories.

The requirement is: the subprojects need some new (mandatory!) attributes, e.g. "responsible team" or "responsible manager". Everytime a new (sub-)project for release docs/1.0.0 is created the creator needs to fill in the responsible team for that project. The value of the attribute can be any string and no plausibility checks are needed.

Is there any way to create new (mandatory) attributes for the object type "project"?

Maybe, create a new type "custom_project" or derive from the typedef "project" could help.

any ideas?

We are using Synergy 6.5 and 7.1 with the standard process rules and the parallel restriction: allow parallel checkout, disallow parallel checkin

Thanks in advance!!!

I think the task-based methodology is cool and very powerful but there are some issues and concepts that confuse me.

there is a simple comprehension question:

let there be a root object foo.c (Version: 1 , Release: test/1.0)

-Developer A creates a new Task for release test/1.0 and checks out the object foo.c. The new version is foo.c-2. The developer wants to backup the temporary changes and checks in the object (foo.c-2 integrate). The Task is stil "assigned"! Then the developer continues his work and has now the version foo.c-3 (working). Both versions are not "completed", the task is still "assigned" and therefore "invisible" for the update rules of the other collaborative projects for release test/1.0.

-Developer B does an update in his own project and then checks out the object foo.c -> foo.c-1.1.1 (working). Developer B is ready with his changes and tries to complete his own task and there comes the parallel notification: he is forced to merge. Developer B is not very happy and tries to kill his BuildManager (me) :ohmy:

Why is there such parallel notification? There is not really a parallel conflict beacuse Task A is still not completed. The only completed Task at this point must be Task B.

Why must Developer B merge his own completed changes with the temporary (not completed and maybe inconsistent!!!) changes of Developer A. The idea of the task-based methodology is basically that only completed changes (tasks) count.

Is there any way to change this behaviour??

We are using Synergy 6.5 SP2 with the standard process rules and the parallel restriction: allow parallel checkout, disallow parallel checkin

Thanks in advance!!!

I have an object 'foo.c' with version 4.2 configured by Mr X and same object with same version configured by Mr Y.

How can I query for the existance of such parallel versions?

Are there any model level customization that helps to achieve this, if so?

Thank you


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