deployment Questions

Tools like JIRA, Service Now for Incident management, I'm looking for a software platform that will keep track of all related documentation, test plans, user sign offs etc... But what I have not been able to find and is critical for me is a Parent - Child, Child - Child relationship of all changes.

Such as:

CR12345 - is the parent record

  CR12345A - is a child record to CR12345

     CR12345A1 - is a child record of CR12345A

CR12345B is a child record to CR12345

Has anyone seen software that can support this? 

Have heard Service Now is a good Help Desk type tool for tracking incidents.  Can it's tool suite be used effectively in an IT development environment for version control, baselines, releases/deployments, etc.

By Paul Perry - December 18, 20151 Answer

Hello Everyone,

I'd like to understand how companies using SVN, TFS, Git, GitHub perform backing out production deployments from two perspectives, your re-deployment method but more importantly, how are you indicating in your respective repo that if code was rolled back, what are you doing internally with your SCM tool to force a message to developers that code was backed out.


Paul Perry

Is there any certification available in India If yes please share details for same

I am Trying to Intgrated FinalBuilder to TFS 2013, there is no steo by step Documentation



How have others solved the resourcing justification for Build / Release engineers? Based on number of supported developers? number of tools? number of deployments? are there base line ratios or other industry standards based on specific products or supported platforms?

Hello ,

I am looking for a SCM solution for managing Production environment configuration .

We are have a complex apllication of iBorders solution which involves 6 components out of which 2 components are in C++ and rest in Java technology.

All application are communication using IBM MQ and intra communication is happening with Active AMQ .

Its a new set-up so I am trying to implement a SCM solution so that I can manage all configurations in version control and some mechanism to control every configuration change,

Will this be good to decide on directory structure and check-in all in SVN and then restrict all change to go through SVN ?

Please suggest .


Thanks in Advance !!



Is there any SCM tool which allows to define dependency between any 2 artifacts within the project.

Technically this is possible with some tools like Maven & Make but in case of any 2 word documents can this be defined using SCM tools?



By Ajay Kanse - December 15, 20132 Answers

This is regarding SVN branching strategy- What is harm in deleting trunk and copying branch to trunk to reflect production code which was delivered from Branch.

It is known that history on trunk will be lost however history on the repository still exist and any file at any revision can be recovered. So what would be issues with deleting trunk and recreating trunk from branch.

By Amy Shebes - September 25, 20131 Answer

How do I go about posting a job on this site.  I was referred here by a member who suggested that members would appreciate it.  I cannot figure out how to post one though.  Any assistance is much apprecaited.

Thank you.


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