Better Software Magazine

Better Software Magazine Articles

Books Are Tools, Too

One of the most important tools a tester can keep on hand is a book, whether it contains instructions for a new method or is a reference for an old favorite. This Tool Look contains one tester’s take on the book "Fit for Developing Software" by Rick Mugridge and Ward Cunningham.

Sidney Snook
Diagnosing Malignant Management

Software development is a creative process that requires communication and nurturing. It's a big surprise to new director of software development Clarion Walker, therefore, to discover that his company’s issues may be rooted in poor team management.

Patrick M. Bailey's picture Patrick M. Bailey
Time for New Test Ideas

Testers are quick to think about speed when testing, but there are many other time-related guidewords that can help broaden your test coverage as well. Michael Bolton suggests a few guidewords to get you started.

Michael Bolton's picture Michael Bolton
The Need for Speed?

Tod Golding is all for increased speed and saving time, but not if they compromise the maintainability of your code. The speediest code won't mean much down the road, if someone unfamiliar with the code isn't able to drop in and make an important change or fix.

Tod Golding's picture Tod Golding
All Models are Wrong

From the Copernican solar system to an engineer’s scale replica of a bridge, the world is full of models that answer our questions and help us solve problems. Lee Copeland tells us that a model doesn't have to be correct to be useful.

Lee Copeland's picture Lee Copeland
Developers Who Test

Every software professional knows that testing is hard, and the situation is even bleaker for software developers. The good news is that effective techniques exist that won't break the schedule or overwhelm developers with test cases. Let loose your inner tester with patterns designed with developers in mind.

Neil Harrison
Debunking Myths of Agile Development

Agile methods have made their way to the software mainstream in the last few years. As more organizations turn to agile development, its definition often gets obscured. Learn the facts behind five common agile myths, as Robert Holler attempts to dispel these misconceptions.

Robert Holler
What Lies Beneath

Just when you think your application is free of defects, you find security vulnerabilities lurking beneath the surface. Penetration testing can help you get them before they get you. Ryan English discusses vulnerabilities and offers five steps to organizations looking to start a Web application security initiative.

Ryan English
The Demise of Record/Script/Play

Is the Record/Script/Play method of automated testing ready to take its final bow? What will the next generation hold? Linda Hayes reflects on the past changes in automation, inspects the current situation, and offers her vision of the future.

Linda Hayes's picture Linda Hayes
A Look at Our Other Tool Look

In January, introduced a new eNewsletter that covers tools and automation for the software development lifecycle. In this month’s Tool Look column, the editors of Better Software magazine and present a sample of what you can read each month in the Sticky ToolLook.

Joey McAllister's picture Joey McAllister


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