Better Software Magazine

Better Software Magazine Articles

When You're Tested

This article details interview behavior basics you should follow before, during, and after the interview. Jonathan Bach shares the secrets of putting your best foot forward when you're the one being tested.

Jon Bach's picture Jon Bach
A Look at Test Automation with Rational's RobotJ

Borrowing ideas from Robot, Rational's RobotJ focuses on automating a specific class of applications: Java and Web (HTML). RobotJ's scripts are based on a commom language (Java2), instead of yet another scripting language specific to yet another automation tool. Tom Arnold takes a look at test automation with Rational's RobotJ.

Tom Arnold
But It's a Feature!

When you file a bug report, you become a bug advocate. It's your job to follow up to see that the bug is addressed one way or another. The way you write your report influences whether the application's behavior is changed. In this issue's "Bug Report," Danny Faught gives tips on writing successful bug reports.

Danny R. Faught's picture Danny R. Faught
Robert Charette on Risk Management

Risk Management can be divided into three general types: risk management and decision-making, the process and mechanics of IT risk management, and the practice of risk management. In this issue's "Reference Point," Bob Charette recommends some useful resources on risk management.

Robert Charette
Process and Personality

People tend to gravitate toward what they feel comfortable with. This is also true when it's time to choose a testing methodology. Is a particular personality more suited to software testing than another? In this issue's "Technically Speaking," Brian Marick explores this possibility.

Brian Marick
Ready, Aim ... Hire

When is a year of experience not a year of experience? When that experience doesn’t match your needs. Assembling the right mix of people for your software team can have a tremendous impact on productivity and quality. Find out how to discern whether a potential candidate will make the grade.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Action Figures

Models can be invaluable testing tools. Unfortunately, they are often difficult to automate. One solution is to have testers use action words, or action-based testing, to express models. This enables them to design action-based models that can be easily automated by a programming expert. Let Hans Buwalda teach you how to employ action words to help you get the job done.

Hans Buwalda's picture Hans Buwalda
Knowing the Odds

Want to know what you’re up against before you start? In just one afternoon, you can perform a simple risk analysis for your project. Doing so can ensure that you are better prepared for whatever surprises may lay ahead. Payson Hall teaches you how to do that in this article.

Payson Hall's picture Payson Hall
Security Bugs Exposed

The one thing that is crystal clear with respect to software security is that it isn't done well. Security bugs and design deficiencies that allow digital information to be stolen or tampered with are far too prevalent. As testing professionals, we have a big problem, and a big opportunity, on our hands. Learn ways to find security vulnerabilities in your system.

Show and Tell

It's critical that you discover the defects before your customers do. Metrics give you plenty of data, but creating charts and graphs that properly showcase this data can be difficult. In this article, read about six techniques that can help make this task a lot easier.


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