
Better Software Magazine Articles

The Whole Is a Sum of Its Parts

Managing large teams adds up to a headache, especially when it comes to Agile projects. Learn how to successfully divide over-sized teams into Agile subteams—from a practitioner who literally wrote the book on the subject.

Jutta Eckstein
The Accountability of Visibility

Brian Marick uses Jeremy Bentham's centuries-old punitive philosophy to explain why visibility and self-regulation can propel the success of a project. In today's software development environment, exposing bugs and its root causes for all to inspect can help teams avoid introducing the same and similar bugs into their code.

Brian Marick
It Takes Two to Tango: What You Should Know About Pair Programming

Pair programming is an Agile practice that has been shown to greatly improve code quality without a huge increase in development time. This article explains the ins and outs of pair programming and some things you need to consider before you tell team members to grab a partner and get programming.

Rachel Davies
Injecting Testability into Your Test Designs

The term dependency injection has attained buzzword status within the programming community. Follow Agile developer J.B. Rainsberger as he goes beyond the buzz and breaks down a specific example of how injecting a dependency can improve the testability of your design.

J.B. Rainsberger
Why Agile Projects Don't Thrash

Tension is present on every software project. It comes from the stress of ensuring the software is fit for its purpose, which often leads to multiple changes. Find out why agile projects handle change better than most, and learn three things you can try on your next project to keep change in check.

Ronald E. Jeffries
Grow Your Test Harness Naturally

Spring is in the air. It’s the time of year when plants wake from their winter dormancy and start growing out of control. Kind of like building a test harness. Take a tip from the Agile field this season and build your harness one test at a time. No fertilizer required.

Kevin Lawrence
Double Duty: Repurpose Unit Tests to Create System Documentation

System documentation is a pain to do and it's even harder to keep up to date. What if, by refining the unit tests you already are doing, you could create documentation automatically, and have it be automatically updated? Find out how one team is making it work for them.

Brian Button
Lightweight Development. Heavyweight QA

Need a place to go to get the solutions you've been craving? Management Fix is what you've been looking for. In this issue, find out how to bring old-school QA practitioners into the new world of development.

Elisabeth Hendrickson's picture Elisabeth Hendrickson
Quality Requires a Better Understanding

To continue our series exploring what it means to care about quality and to build better software, we spoke with a software user who now collaborates with developers on Agile projects. Find out what she had to say.

Pam Young
Cards–I've Got a Million of 'Em

One man's love/hate relationship with index cards, a common tool of the Agile trade.

Ron Jeffries


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