

A Framework for Agile

Bob Aiello discusses how CM and agile practices can go hand in hand - provided that you have a solid framework to work with. With agile's popularity seemingly always on the rise, alongside the need for CM, learn how having both benefits everyone onboard.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello
An Agile Approach to Release Management

For teams practicing Agile Software development, value working software over other artifacts, a feature from the release plan is not complete until you can demonstrate it to your customer, ideally in a shippable state. Agile teams strive to have a working system ("potentially shippable") ready at the end of each iteration. Release Management should be easy for an ideal agile team, as agile teams, in theory, are ready to release at regular intervals, and the release management aspect is the customer saying, "Ship it!."

Architectural Envisioning on Agile Projects

One of the common misperceptions with agile software development is that agilists don't "do architecture." This completely ignores the 11th principle of the Agile Manifesto which states that the best architectures evolve over time. In this article Scott Ambler overviews an agile practice called "architecture envisioning" which enables you to gain the value from modeling without the cost of needless documentation.

Scott W. Ambler's picture Scott W. Ambler
Agile Strategies for Geographically Distributed Quality Management

Geographically Distributed Development (GDD) is a common strategy in the software world today. Organizations are gaining experience in developing software globally and are discovering that the competitive demand for best-in-class, high quality applications requires greater agility in quality management. Unfortunately, IT budgets are not keeping up with the staff required for quality management and the response is to accelerate quality management by leveraging global teams. This article compares and contrasts agile GDD testing strategies for affecting quality management.

Scott W. Ambler's picture Scott W. Ambler
How to Make Your CM Process Agile

To make your CM process agile, go through it and identify how you can reduce end-user complexity, tool misfits, and areas of greatest risk. An agile CM process is one that supports all team members, making them more productive and simplifying their management tasks.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
Lean Metrics for Agile Software Configuration Management

Taking an lean-agile slant on metrics for configuration management, the authors focus on ways to measure the value CM and SCM adds to the project and product and how to measure flow and waste.

Managing Offshore XP Teams: Organizational Models and Tools

The essence of Extreme Programming (XP) is making the customer a part of the team who works very closely with the developers, ideally communicating on a daily basis. However, what about a situation where your development team is offshore? Is it possible to have the best of both worlds, realizing the gains of offshoring without losing the benefits of XP? How do you keep the momentum and the communication flow going, at the same time ensuring seamless integration of the deliverables into the customer's production environment at the XP pace?

Peter Vaihansky's picture Peter Vaihansky
Tool Integration In Distributed Agile Development

This article provides an overview of various tools, integration strategies and their benefits in agile environments. These tools would come in handy in implementing key agile practices like daily builds, refactoring, continuous integration and test driven development.

Venkatesh Krishnamurthy's picture Venkatesh Krishnamurthy
Characteristics of the Agile SCM Solution

This article focuses on the characteristics of SCM solutions, tool, and environments that are necessary to for agile development to succeed, particularly about agile SCM striving to be as transparent and "frictionless", automating as much as possible.

Approaching the Implementation of CM

When landing an airplane, the approach is considered quite important. If the approach vector is off even by 1%, the plane may careen off the other end of the runway. Also, if the approach is incorrect, effort such as fuel and time is unnecessarily expended and wasted, especially if circling must occur.

Mario  Moreira's picture Mario Moreira


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