
Conference Presentations

The Mindset of Managing Uncertainty: The Key to Agile Success

The speed of global change and the advancement of technology will continue to increase the uncertainty in our work. Those with an Agile Mindset can manage uncertainty through continuous value-based discovery; those with a Fixed Mindset try to “freeze” things early to decrease uncertainty.

Ahmed Sidky, SCG Inc.
Managing Multiple Teams at Scale with Scrum and Lean

Scrum has become very popular in agile development shops, but most organizations that adopt Scrum run into challenges when they expand beyond a few teams. Ken Paugh believes that you can overcome the challenging patterns of scaling Scrum by focusing on lean-flow.

Ken Pugh, Net Objectives
Agile Success with Scrum: It’s All about the People

Is it possible to be doing everything Scrum says to do and still fail horribly? Unfortunately, the answer is yes—and teams do it every day. To many, Scrum means concentrating on the meetings and artifacts, and making sure the roles all do their jobs. Bob Hartman and Michael Vizdos explore...

Bob Hartman, Agile For All
Large Agile Transformations: A Roadmap for Lasting Change

Agile methods have gained the attention of leaders as a way to speed time to market and increase motivation. Businesses are looking to agile as a way to achieve organizational change so teams deliver more value faster, and where people’s pride and joy of work are enhanced.

Ole Jepsen, goAgile & Jenni Jepsen, goAgile
Adopt Before You Adapt: Learning Principles through Practice

Although agile principles sound simple, adopting agile is often extremely difficult. Some teams adopting agile start by making changes and tweaks to prescribed processes—bad! Steve Berczuk explains how following the recommended practices of your chosen agile method for a time will help...

Steve Berczuk, Fitbit Inc.
Transforming to Enterprise Agility: A Leadership Practicum

The pace of innovation, often hastened by agile software development, has begun to pull entire organizations into the desire and need for more agility. Phillip Cave shares his experiences transforming organizational behavior at the department and enterprise level. 

Phillip Cave , SolutionsIQ
Pivoting Your Testers to Become Agile

Many organizations struggle with transforming from the old-style specialized silos of skills into agile teams with generalized specialists. Without this pivot, we get sub-optimal agile/Scrum environments. Howard Deiner describes what can go wrong when integrating testers properly into an...

Howard Deiner, BigVisible Solutions
Shut Up ‘n Play Yer Guitar Some More

History repeats itself as people once again become addicted to process. Today’s difficult problems call for a renaissance of agility, drawing on past success as we invent the future. Real value lies in intentional and contextual selection of agile tools instead of the noise associated with...

David Hussman, DevJam
Don’t Go over the Waterfall: Keep Agile Testing Agile

All too often an agile iteration resembles a mini-waterfall cycle with developers coding for the duration of the iteration and then throwing code “over the wall” to the test team. This results in the all-too-familiar “test squeeze” with testers often testing code after the iteration has...

Aaron Barrett, Infusionsoft
Beyond Continuous Delivery—All the Way to Continuous Deployment

Just as those in the software world are getting their hands around agile practices, leading software organizations are going beyond continuous delivery for acceptance testing and now adopting continuous deployment—the practice of immediately releasing new code from development into...

Kris Lankford, Microsoft


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