
Conference Presentations

Behavior-Driven Database Design

Agile methods focus on creating executable code quickly and with fewer defects. But what about the database? The database is "the" component of the application that is thought to be the least agile and often excluded from agile development. Pramod Sadalage explains how the concepts of Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) can be applied to database development to drive the design of the database using executable specifications. Pramod describes how performing BDDD (Behavior-Driven Database Design) allows us to specify the behavior of the database as it is expected by the code running against the database, how BDDD allows us to easily refactor the database, and how BDDD provides an easy way to document the database design and behavior.

Pramod Sadalage, ThoughtWorks Inc
Value Stream Mapping - Extending Our View to the Enterprise

What if the process improvements you are trying to make are not where your real problems lie? Assuming where your problems are is often the biggest problem. Alan Shalloway presents value stream maps, a Lean tool that focuses on finding waste in your development process. Alan presents an example of a value stream map that resulted in a twenty percent productivity improvement to the development team without modifying how the team worked. After this introduction to value stream mapping, you will create your own maps to learn how to improve your own processes and to learn the basic lean principles of optimize the whole, deliver fast, and build quality in. Alan demonstrates how focusing on improving the flow of software development from a time perspective can lead to a higher quality, lower cost process.

Alan Shalloway, Net Objectives
Secrets of CMMI for Agile Organizations

Are you convinced that agile development methods and process improvement methods such as CMMI® don't go together? Have you been the victim of a ton of process overhead dropped on your head? It doesn't have to be that way. CMMI® and agile methods can work together to supercharge software development performance, gaining the advantages of agility and the repeatability, reusability, and infrastructure that process maturity provides. Jeff Dalton presents an agile approach to CMMI®, both in content and in management of the process itself. Agile cultures need to approach and perform process improvement activities within a language and framework that makes sense to them-an agile framework. Jeff discusses iterations, releases, design slams, integrated teams, and JENTM concepts (just enough, not too much). If you are interested in agile methodologies and would like to learn how to apply CMMI® in your organization, this class is for you.

Jeff Dalton, Broadsword Solutions Corporation
Agile Project Metrics

Agile projects and traditional projects are tracked differently. The key difference is that agile projects track outcomes; traditional projects track activities. Project managers who are new to agile are often unsure which measures are relevant to which stakeholders and how to interpret them, and how agile metrics tie back to some of the more familiar forms of project reporting. Dave Nicolette explains how agile projects are tracked, which metrics are useful to which audiences, and how to monitor project health, delivery effectiveness, and the quality and value of the results. Dave describes the reasons to choose particular metrics, how to use metrics for informational, diagnostic, and motivational purposes, and the time-sensitivity of metrics. Dave also explains the meaning and use of measures peculiar to agile methods, such as "velocity," "running tested features," "earned business value," and "burn charts".

David Nicolette, Valtech Technologies
Calling all Agile Skeptics - the Curious, and Die-Hard, Non-Agile

Not convinced about agile? Curious about this new approach, but not sure it makes any sense? Does it feel like agile goes against everything your experience tells you is the right thing to do? Damon Poole examines your concerns, doubts, counter-examples, and horror-stories. If you are interested in helping to answer the concerns of others, then bring your answers, positive examples, and experiences. In either case, bring an open mind, a sense of humor, and at least one anecdote. Delegates will share the floor and help to keep the atmosphere fun and relaxed. Come and learn how some of the practices that may be fueling your skepticism are either optional or only work when done in conjunction with other practices. For instance, frequent releases are not required and short iterations work best when coupled with automated regression testing.

Damon Poole, AccuRev
Driving Agile Transformation from the Top Down

While agile practices are starting to make their way into large enterprises, in most instances this has been a "bottom up" movement driven through grassroots efforts. But, as success stories draw attention to the benefits of agile practices, an increasing number of executives are considering making an organization-wide agile transition. It is an attractive idea, but what does an agile transition look like when it comes as a mandate from the top? How do you scale agile principles from a single team to an enterprise with multiple teams working on multiple projects? Pete Morowski shares practical answers to these questions, addressing issues such as the role of management in creating an agile culture, bridging "two worlds" as traditional and agile co-exist in the enterprise, and rewriting the "rules" to fit the organization.

David Wilby, Borland Software
Driving User Stories from Business Value

Implementations of agile and Scrum typically employ user stories as the primary method for discovering requirements. User stories provide the mechanism for the fast, flexible flow of ideas into completed increments of software. What's missing is a practical approach to discovering user stories from top-down, business valued, and prioritized capabilities. Guy Beaver shares proven approaches to allow a project-driven organization to transition to business features that can be predictably estimated and planned for release. The stories unfolded from business features have clear line-of-sight to business goals and allow for the timely discovery and management of technical considerations.

Guy Beaver, Net Objectives
Agile Development Practices 2008: Refactoring: Where do I Start?

Since Martin Fowler completed his now-classic work Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code, few programming practices have been more effective-and more controversial-than refactoring. Refactoring is effective when you study and practice it diligently. It remains controversial because many development managers think developers should be adding features, not reworking old code. J. B. Rainsberger takes you deep inside the process of refactoring, including how to start reaping the benefits of refactoring while minimizing the disruption of learning a new practice, how to safely refactor code you don't know well, and the four key elements of simple design that should guide your refactoring. He explains the hazards of refactoring, when not to refactor, and how to refactor in such a way as not to upset your boss. After this presentation, you will be able to refactor your own code more confidently and effectively.

JB Rainsberger, Diaspar Software Services
Organizing to Fulfill the Product Owner Role

At Yahoo!, the product owner role is defined as the "single wringable neck" who ensures that software products and projects deliver value. Many organizations struggle to fill this role that collaborates with stakeholders to define value and manage a backlog, provides tactical support to the delivery team, and directs the product and project vision and roadmap. For most organizations, the reality is that it takes a whole team of people to fill this role. Ronica Roth begins with a quick overview of the product owner responsibilities, particularly in the context of the five levels of agile planning. She then presents patterns and examples for organizing product and customer groups in product companies, consulting shops, and internal IT departments. Soliciting your ideas, Ronica leads a discussion of the successes and challenges of those patterns and of your experiences with them.

Ronica Roth, Rally Software
Agile Development Practices 2008: Pragmatic Agility

What is agile software development all about? Why is it fundamentally different from other approaches and will it work for you and your organization? Join Andy Hunt, one of the seventeen original authors of the Agile Manifesto and a founder of the Agile Alliance, for his pragmatic answers to these and other questions. Examine the foundations of agile software development and learn what problems agility seeks to address. Don't be distracted by dogma-take some time to explore the core aspects of agile development. Andy presents the real foundations of agility and walks you through a typical day in the life of an agile developer. Find out what's really important about the agile approach, and take back new ideas to help you transition to agile while avoiding common stumbling blocks. Join Andy to find out how to make agility work for you.

Andrew Hunt, Pragmatic Programmers


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