
Conference Presentations

Testing is About Requirements Specification - An Agile View

This article details how to manage your XP Programming project.

Robert Martin, Object Mentor
STAREAST 2003: Rapid Web Testing in a High-Velocity Environment

This paper discusses implementing METS (Minimal Essential Testing Strategy) for your test team. METS is a strategy to help get the essential testing for your project done within the time frame allowed. Step by step instructions for using this methodology are included.

Greg Paskal, Kinko's
Testing in the Agile World

This paper discusses implementing the agile testing methodology for your team.

Brian Marick, Testing Foundations
Testing and QA with eXtreme Programming Practices

A Java development project team had proceeded to 25% completion using the traditional waterfall development method when they were suddenly asked to adopt eXtreme Programming (XP) practices and continue with the project. While XP may be good for management because it provides good visibility on the product, it may not be so good for developers who have to change their processes quickly. And it certainly presents a challenge to QA and testing, whose roles are not well defined. Sit in on this real-world example and you'll examine the challenges of XP and learn how you can overcome them.

Sanjay Srinivas, Sabre Inc
QA/Testing in an eXtreme Programming Environment

Extreme Programming (XP) is an agile software methodology that puts a heavy emphasis on testing by developers. In an XP project, the role of testing changes, because tests are considered to be a form of unambiguous requirement specification and are created before code is written. Therefore, rather than being back-end validators, the test team is brought on board early in the process to become front-end specifiers. By writing acceptance tests, the test team, in effect, writes the requirements the developers must conform to. Robert Martin delivers an overview of the XP process, stressing the new role of the QA/test team.

Robert Martin, Object Mentor
eXtreme Programming's Unit Test Fixtures: Experience from the Field

Are you interested in adopting eXtreme Programming's (XP) unit test fixtures and related methods? Stan Bell shares his team's experiences with the Visual Basic version of the Xunit unit test framework. He then explains the methodology employed in the development shop, i.e., how engineers and QA analysts interacted prior to the application of this technique versus after. He points out the challenges, pitfalls, and successes encountered during the adoption process, and reports on the much-improved defect detection and correction rates that occurred post-adoption.

Stan Bell, McKesson
Performance Evaluation and Measurement of Enterprise Applications

Today's large-scale enterprise applications are all Web-enabled and complex in nature. Many users experience performance problems from day one. Performance evaluation and measurement via extensive testing is the only practical way to raise and address all issues prior to a successful deployment. Learn how to tackle performance and capacity issues with the appropriate testing strategy and scalable infrastructure/architecture.

Rakesh Radhakrishnan, Sun Microsystems
Critical Components of Asset Management

Examine how Information Technology (IT) asset management methodologies can reduce your organization's IT budget between five and thirty-five percent. Kathy Shoop discusses the critical components to deploy, the challenges of implementing such a program, and the limitations of asset management tools such as spreadsheets and in-house development efforts. Discover the best practices for implementing an asset management initiative in your organization that will result in immediate cost savings.

Kathy Shoop, Janus Technologies, Inc.
Adaptive Software Development

Adaptive Software Development (ASD) is targeted for software teams where competition creates extreme pressure on the delivery process. Many process improvement techniques (CMM, ISO) are focused on optimizing practices that involve steadily increasing rigor. In contrast, ASD emphasizes producing high-value results based on rapid adaptation to both external and internal events. Listen as Jim Highsmith explains how the focal point of ASD is fundamentally different from traditional software process improvement approaches. Learn why "a little bit less than just enough" is ASD's guideline for implementing rigor.

Jim Highsmith, Information Architects, Inc.
Testing Your Software's Requirements

Many testing organizations focus primarily on software executable code, but that's not the only thing you can test. For instance, did you ever consider testing your software requirements? When you test only code, you face some big disadvantages, not to mention that design defects often aren't even fixable because they demand too much effort, too late in the release cycle. In fact, it's difficult to even report some requirements defects since the developers have already committed to the design strategy. But if you test your requirements early in the game, you can discover defects before they're cast into designs and code, consequently saving your organization potentially huge rework costs.

Brian Lawrence, Coyote Valley Software


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