
Conference Presentations

Software Improvement Feedback Loops: How to Develop a Learning Organization

Over the past twenty-five years, the Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL) at NASA/GSFC has studied mechanisms for improving the software process and product. During this time, a set of processes has evolved: the Goal/Question/Metric Paradigm; the Quality Improvement Paradigm; and the Experience Factory Organization. These processes are based on the needs for measurement and feedback loops, from project to process and project to project, creating a learning organization for building software competencies. In this presentation, Victor Basili discusses these processes, how they evolved, the lessons learned, and the effects of their application in the SEL.

Victor Basili, Software Engineering Laboratory
Thinking About People, Process, and Product: A Principle that Works at Work

All projects involve the three P's: people, process, and product. People includes everyone who influences the project. Process is the steps taken to produce and maintain software. Product is the final outcome of the project. To keep these three in harmony, you must observe who is trying to do what to deliver what. Usually, two of the three P's are mandated, and the third one is chosen appropriately. Although this is common sense, it is not common practice. Dwayne Phillips discusses the issues and challenges that affect us all on every project. Learn about the ideas and questions to consider to help you work through these issues.

Dwayne Phillips, U.S. Department of Defense
Predictive Metrics to Estimate Post Project Costs

How much will it cost to support your software project based on current estimations? Discover the answer to this question by using statistical estimation methods-including the S-curve and the Rayleigh curve-to help you determine where your projects are in relation to required quality and trendings to meet your post-project cost goals. Learn how to use metrics to predict post-project costs and make better release decisions based on these predictions.

Geoffrey Facer, Intel Corporation
eXtreme Programming Meets Measurement

With the Internet explosion creating new "e-somethings" daily, and society embracing X-anything, it should come as no surprise that eXtreme Programming is the latest concept to hit IT. Forget the visions of IT managers projecting themselves off a cliff with bungee cords and a laptop-eXtreme Programming is more mainstream than renegade, offering a mixture of old and new, tried and true all bundled into one. Learn what eXtreme Programming is all about and how it differs from other development methodologies. Discover what can and should be measured in an eXtreme Programming environment and how to fit X-Measures in with a regular measurement program.

Carol Dekkers, Quality Plus Technologies, Inc.
Extreme Programming and CMM

This presentation explains the Capability Maturity Model and Extreme Programming, compares the two, and shows how they can be compatible.

Mark Paulk, Software Engineering Institute
Successful Project Management in the Face of Shifting People and Teams

The best project managers know to superbly manage the subtleties of risks, employee turnover, personality clashes, shifting priorities, and other unexpected events. And they know how to motivate even mediocre employees to produce exceptional results. The biggest challenge is facing the fact that no project proceeds predictably and according to plan. Learn practical day-to-day techniques you can use to achieve extraordinary project success in spite of seemingly insurmountable setbacks.

Angela Gilchrist, CyberOptics Corporation
A Disciplined Approach to High Velocity Software Development

When faced with the challenge of shortening delivery cycles, the old economy manufacturing companies utilized disciplined quality techniques to reduce scrap and rework and improve productivity. Software developers in the new economy face a similar challenge to accelerate development to meet critical time-to-market business goals brought about by the Internet. Unfortunately, many are abandoning disciplined methods in lieu of a risky "hack and test" approach with potential disastrous consequences for customers and developers. Learn of one company's transformation from ad hoc development to a disciplined and quantitatively managed enterprise. Discover why such a transformation is absolutely essential for high velocity software development.

Girish Seshagiri, Advanced Information Services, Inc.


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