

Continuous Delivery in Apps Database Continuous Delivery Meets Your Application

Continuous delivery meshes well with agile development: Both facilitate the need to move quicker and deal with ever-changing requirements, delivering the best quality possible but usually with not enough resources. Agility is what is expected from technology companies and IT divisions. So, what does it take to have continuous delivery in your database?

Uri  Margalit's picture Uri Margalit
Deployment Automation Consider Deployment Automation to Add Business Value Faster

“Business value sooner” is a simple phrase, but it has been pondered by the best IT project managers. Deployment automation provides business value sooner, which makes for a better return on investment. It not only gets features to market sooner but also gets defects resolved faster.

James Sullivan
Fixing the Brittleness Problem with GUI Tests

One common complaint about test automation is that it’s too brittle. Small changes in the system can cause lots of rework during the automated checks. In this article, Clint Hoagland shows a way to fix “the brittleness problem” by using the right abstractions in your automation design.

Clint Hoagland's picture Clint Hoagland
Development DNA The Evolution of z/OS Development

Kristin Cowhey explains how z/OS development has evolved throughout the years and what that means for developers and tech personnel. With legacy developers leaving the workforce, there’s a dire need to replace the knowledge in order to maintain the mainframe systems and applications that are still in use today. 

Kristin Cowhey's picture Kristin Cowhey
Managing Component Dependencies Managing Component Dependencies

Bob Aiello explains that software engineers and architects do an amazing job designing a system’s architecture that fully represents all of the parts of the system that are created during the development lifecycle. However, one of the biggest challenges is understanding how each part of the system depends upon the others.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello
 CM Professionals Need to Know about Business Requirements What CM Professionals Need to Know about Business Requirements

While we know the technology, some configuration management (CM) experts don’t always have a strong enough business focus, which can be a real problem. Read on if you would like to understand what CM professionals need to know about business requirements and how CM can directly impact the business itself.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello
How to Build Reliable Systems How to Build Reliable Systems

Bob Aiello describes some of the essential techniques necessary to ensure that systems can be upgraded and supported while enabling the business through frequent and continuous delivery of new system features.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello
Eight Mistakes that Prevent DevOps Success Eight Mistakes that Prevent DevOps Success

DevOps is more than just a buzzword; it’s about delivering value to customers faster and more reliably. Jonathan Thorpe explains eight mistakes that can dramatically increase cycle time and slow the flow of releases to customers, which is counter to the goals of DevOps.

Jonathan Thorpe's picture Jonathan Thorpe
Guidelines for Building a Monolithic Release Management System

The release management system is an important component of the service-transition process. This article highlights the importance of building a monolithic release management system, which encompasses all of the functions and processes necessary to support application build, package, and deployment. The monolithic release management is holistic, comprehensive, and based upon industry best practices. These guidelines are applicable for any type of organization or projects of any size.

Pradeep Prabhu's picture Pradeep Prabhu
Crossing The DevOps Divide of Complex Personalities

IT organizations often face challenges ranging from complex technology to even more complex personalities. DevOps attempts to address the dynamics between IT operations and highly skilled software and systems delivery teams. Read on if you would like to improve your skills in dealing with these challenging dynamics.

Leslie  Sachs's picture Leslie Sachs


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