
Automated testing Deploy Automated Testing to Create Better Software

Receiving feedback on your testing results should yield dividends in quality. And the sooner you get that feedback, the quicker you can start seeing improved and consistent quality and faster time to market. So the question becomes, why wait to jump on the automated testing bandwagon?

Viktor Clerc's picture Viktor Clerc
Question mark cursor Critical Questions to Ask When Choosing a Third-Party API

This article exposes the risks and hidden costs involved in the seemingly innocent decision of which third-party APIs to use to gather and report data, offload critical functionality, and save implementation time. It addresses some typical reasons the decision-making process over third-party use is overlooked, as well as how to make good choices confidently and consistently.

Paul Bruce's picture Paul Bruce
Examining code Simplifying Your Software Code Audit

Software code audits can be arduous and time-consuming, as today’s software projects use a mix of proprietary, commercial, and open source software. This article outlines a number of methods to simplify and streamline your audit process and understand the best practices in organizing, documenting, labeling, tracking, and managing open source and third-party content brought into software portfolios.

Kate  Andreeva's picture Kate Andreeva
DevOps collaboration DevOps: The Pathway to Stellar Digital and Business Results

DevOps is the key to unifying technology with business results. Customers abandon apps and sites if their expectations are not met almost instantly, so issues must be resolved earlier in the pipeline before end-users are impacted. This article highlights the need for adopting a DevOps culture and some best practices for doing so.

Martin Etmajer's picture Martin Etmajer
Gears: CM architecture How Enterprise Configuration Management Architecture Fits with DevOps

When it comes to DevOps, the fundamentals of CM may be forgotten (erroneously) by some practitioners. DevOps tools can be strategic assets, but they are not as important as established CM standards and process. It's up to us as practitioners to ensure that the DevOps tool chain implementation supports the corporate CM policy.

Dennis Furr's picture Dennis Furr
Containers: DevOps Beware the Hype around DevOps Technology

The rise of containers and microservices is creating widespread excitement in the DevOps world. But those alluring “simple, lightweight” tools don’t always scale so well. Delivering a business service comes with intrinsic complexity that doesn’t simply evaporate if only you use the right tools. Read on to learn why you should be wary of all the hype.

Andrew Phillips's picture Andrew Phillips
Blender: Blended IT analytics Smashing the Silos with Blended Analytics

While significant progress has been made in leveraging analytics for better operational insights, today’s IT operations analytics solutions still operate in silos. To really reap the benefits and promise of analytics, IT decision-makers need to break these silos and apply an approach that combines many different major sources of information: blended analytics.

Sasha Gilenson's picture Sasha Gilenson
Clock: ready for go-live Are You Ready for Go-Live? 8 Essential Questions

As real and daunting as scheduling pressures can be, they have to be balanced with the consequences of a potentially disastrous premature go-live. Don’t let all the reasons a system simply "must" be implemented by a target date overwhelm compelling evidence that it is not ready. Consider these eight questions honestly first.

Payson Hall's picture Payson Hall
APIs Require Integrity SOA Was Built on Trust, but APIs Require Integrity

With SOA, the services you consume are typically developed by your organization or a close business partner, so you can assume they have standards similar to your own. But when you adopt APIs, you usually have no visibility into how solidly the services were built—or when and how they are evolving. How should you properly vet an external API?

IT Controls Establishing IT Controls for Consistent, Efficient Delivery

Many high-security institutions have guidelines that must be followed in order to comply with industry regulatory requirements. But these best practices can help any company avoid costly mistakes while enabling teams to work faster and more effectively. This article tells you how to get started establishing your own practical and reliable IT controls.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello


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