
Continuous Improvement Culture The Five Paradoxes of Creating a Continuous Improvement Culture

The ability to stay competitive by adjusting, adopting, and continuously improving is essential to survive in the business world of today. But there are a few common challenges where your intuitive responses actually prevent you from succeeding. Keep these five paradoxes in mind during your DevOps continuous improvement journey.

Joakim Ahlstrom's picture Joakim Ahlstrom
Benefits of DevOps Survey Results: Businesses Reap the Benefits of DevOps Practices

According to a global DevOps survey conducted by Rackspace, DevOps adoption is becoming more widespread and companies are beginning to see real and measurable business benefits from doing DevOps. However, resistance to establishing a new practice is to be expected. This article examines how to get companywide buy-in and get started on the road to DevOps.

Prashanth Chandrasekar's picture Prashanth Chandrasekar
Continuous Testing Risks Manage the Business Risks of Application Development with Continuous Testing

Continuous testing provides a real-time, objective assessment of the business risks associated with an application under development. Ultimately, continuous testing can provide a quantitative assessment of risk and produce actionable tasks that will help mitigate these risks before progressing to the next stage of the software development lifecycle.

Wayne Ariola's picture Wayne Ariola
Integration Products Expectations Industry Expectations for Today’s ESB-Based Integration Products

Most organizations have accepted the commercial benefits of using enterprise service bus-based integration products in their software projects. However, the industry expectations for an ESB product are ever increasing. This article will explain how vendors are trying to cope with the demand.

Sanat Singha's picture Sanat Singha
ALM Integration Platform The Essentials to Look At in an ESB-Based ALM Integration Platform

Identifying the right vendor for an ESB-based integration platform is not an easy task. It depends on several factors associated with your current ALM use case and requirements. Project stakeholders should decide on the integration flow, future tool enhancements, tool accessibility, and configurability before coming to a conclusion. This article takes them through the steps of identifying value propositions in an ESB-based integration solution.

Sanat Singha's picture Sanat Singha
Tool Integration Approach An Overview of the ESB-Based Tool Integration Approach

Business users who tend to follow the enterprise service bus model to implement SOA for tool integrations are yet to optimize their effort and investment. It is imperative that businesses are completely aware of why, when, and how to select the right ESB solution to build an integrated ALM ecosystem, and they should know what to ask an integration vendor in order to get the most out of the deal. This article takes them through the critical steps of choosing an appropriate ESB solution.

Sanat Singha's picture Sanat Singha
Testing Requirements Redistributed Testing: A Shift to Refine Requirements

In short, redistributed testing is a shift in the emphasis and responsibility for testing. Testers are reassigned to work closer to the business with users or business analysts or are embedded in the development team.By being involved in story and scenario writing, the testers help to refine requirements and improve their quality. How could your systems benefit from redistributed testing?

Paul Gerrard's picture Paul Gerrard
Deployment Automation Consider Deployment Automation to Add Business Value Faster

“Business value sooner” is a simple phrase, but it has been pondered by the best IT project managers. Deployment automation provides business value sooner, which makes for a better return on investment. It not only gets features to market sooner but also gets defects resolved faster.

James Sullivan
Load Test Your Website Before Your Customers Do

When you release a website or web application, it’s going to face a lot of very public load testing. If it performs poorly, there’s a good chance that you’re going to lose a lot of customers. Colin Mason offers some tips for load testing in order to ensure a better customer experience.

Colin  Mason's picture Colin Mason


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