change management


High-Quality Processes

All of us can think of examples of bad processes. They seem to be indelibly burned into our memories, but it may be hard to think of what a high-quality process looks like, because it feels like we've never seen one. Of course, that's not really true. All of us have experienced good processes; they are the ones that were invisible! Processes that are helpful, efficient and effective also seem to disappear into the background. Unless something draws our attention to them, we may not notice them at all!


Alan S. Koch
Integrating IT For Productivity

Raising the BarIT organizations are looking for new levels of productivity.  In an era of relative talent shortages, the ability to seize business opportunities depends on making dramatic increases in productivity.  At the same time, the government has raised the bar substantially with governance mandates such as Sarbanes-Oxley.  Add to this globalization, outsourcing and distributed work forces that have the effect making even smaller companies manage teams over geographic and time zones.  However, the coming whammy is the dramatic loss of talent looming up as baby-boomers retire.

Gerry Lyon's picture Gerry Lyon
How can I improve performance on the Application of ClearCase Labels?

I am often asked questions like:
"Why does it take so long to apply a label to 30,000 elements."

The short answer is "because you are applying a label to 30,000 elements".

Charles Clarke
How We Got from Version Control to Product Management

Version control (VC) has been around long before software. But it wasn't until the late 1960s and early 1970s that it emerged as a common software function. Today, version control is still necessary, but is a much smaller piece of the configuration management (CM) and product management (PM) pictures. While version control is a relatively simple application, configuration management is anything but. No wonder it is embraced with such reluctance. This doesn't have to be the case. The key to adopting a successful CM program is to select tools which help you to automate the complexity without taking short cuts that will lead to problems down the road.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
Testing vs. Quality Assurance


"What does your quality assurance group do?" I have asked this question of many executives. Too often they answer, "Quality assurance is responsible for testing our software to ensure it is ready for release." I push, hoping for more, by asking, "Anything else?" Usually, though, the response is little more than, "Well, they manage the defect tracking system. What else would they do?" What more, indeed!


Alan S. Koch
Is Agile Configuration Management Worth the Effort?

What is agile CM? If you think it's doing the minimal amount of CM, think again. Instead, it's minimizing and streamlining the work to do all of the CM tasks that are necessary. It adapts to changing CM requirements fairly easily. Agile CM doesn't just happen - it's a combination of good CM process, good CM tools, and CM automation. If you fall short on any of these, your CM process will not be very agile.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
Agile Software Development: It's Not the Wild West

Agile methods for software development are one of the hottest movements in the methodology field. Agile methods provide a means of adapting quickly for teams facing unpredictable or rapidly changing requirements. Agile introduces a structured approach to software development (more structured than most "bandwagon" enthusiasts realize).

Mario  Moreira's picture Mario Moreira
Agility and Quality

What is "quality"? There are many competing definitions, but the one that makes the most sense, "Quality is in the eye of the beholder," is hard to make workable in a real business situation. Some would say it is impossible to use, but Agile methods beg to differ.


Alan S. Koch
Software Configuration Management - Embracing the principles of 5S

Configuration Management always remains as one of the key contributing factors for a successful project execution. Software Quality guru, Watts Humphrey in “Managing the Software Process” states - “The most frustrating software problems are often caused by poor configuration management .” It therefore becomes inevitable for organizations to establish and maintain good configuration management practices.

Balaji OS's picture Balaji OS
Will Open Source Dominate Development Management?

Open Source is a great concept, thmough any resisted at first. Can you remember a time when it was valid to use the argument that, "Nobody will commit to supporting it, so you're taking your chances"? Today, I see it differently. There are loads of support for open source products, even better than for commercial products in many cases. So does that make it the winner?

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah


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