Configuration Baseline I'm the Configuration Manager for a large enterprise project. I was added to the team after around 8 months worth of developement/staging had already taken place. We're working toward a short-term ATO, and PMO is looking to baseline our applications. My argument is that we're not ready to baseline, as we're still in developemnt. No configuation items are recorded in Remedy, the Change Managemnet process isn't fleshed out (as that is also my tasking), and we have no historical records that I can find for how are architecture came to this point. Simply, here, this is version one, and now start documenting from this point forward. Am I worng in my push-back on this stance? Shouldn't I first work to identify the CIs and their historical changes (as best as I can documnet)? Further info: this system will be the subject of an offical audit, not just my configuration audit.
Focus on Agile Engineering Methods in Your Digital Transformation Organizations undergoing a digital transformation must adopt new and meaningful ways of working. For a successful transformation, in addition to agile processes, teams must also leverage agile engineering techniques and models. Continuous focus on agile engineering principles will provide a solid ground for teams to enhance their agility and deliver better software, faster.
How We can create Customized Vagrant Box of CentOS or Debian based OS quickly? With help of Oracle Virtual Box provider, how we can create our own customized vagrant box with in-house tools?
What are the current IBM/Rational offerings? I've used Ratiional ClearCase and ClearQuest in the past, but it's been a long time - at least seven years since I used CQ, and probably a decade since I used CC. On a project where we used both, I had them integrated. (I used them enough to refer to them collectively as "ClearWaste".)
I'm currently tasked with evaluating various CM-related suites for where I'm working now, and I'm finding it very confusing to determine just what IBM is currently offering.
I see ClearCase and ClearQuest are still sold. Are they actively supported?
As far as I can tell, DOORS and DOORSNg have replaced RequisitePro.
I see there's Jazz and Team Concert -- what's the difference between the two?
Does Team Concert use the other tools like ClearCase, ClearQuest, and DOORS? Does it replace them?
And finally, do the IBM tools still have a very cost compared to tools like the Atlassian Suite and Microsoft TFS? |
Fixing a Broken Deployment Process When you have hundreds of applications performing various functions across several environments, it's tough to push all the code when it needs to be. Here are some steps to help your own team develop the internal tooling it requires to deploy thousands of applications if needed, all in a reliable, efficient manner.
Overcome Test Automation Plateaus with Service Virtualization With complex enterprise test automation systems, at least some of the many required dependencies are commonly incomplete, unavailable, or operating incorrectly at the time of test execution. The result is timeouts, incomplete tests, false positives, and inaccurate results. Service virtualization can help you overcome this plateau and increase test automation rates.
Teach DevOps Software Development with a Game The core idea of DevOps is the various roles working together to create a stable software system. People can hear that, or read about it, or even observe it, but often, the best way for a team new to DevOps to understand it is to just do it. When you're starting out, that can lead to failures on a real system, so a simulation is a good idea. Try playing a game to introduce your team to DevOps.
The Value of Making Your Data Sources Reusable across Test Automation Tools Many automation tools have a mechanism for storing data used in their test scripts. Typically, the specifics of this mechanism is different across tools, making it difficult to use this data outside the tool itself. Using an external, reusable data source allows organizations to avoid the cost of migrating or duplicating existing data, thereby future-proofing their frameworks.
What steps must the CM Manager perform to properly complete a CM project? What steps must the CM Manager perform to properly complete a CM project?
Remove mercurial subrepos and move it to main repository. Please suggest the good way to perform the same? Am working in a old project which has many hg subrepos which seems to be problematic. Am planning to remove subrepos and move to main repository. Is there any better approach to do the same or any tools? Also want to maintain the same metadata and not interested to add all subrepo as single commit to main repository.