configuration management


CM Excellence through People, Not Tools Achieve CM Excellence through People, Not Tools

Great tools and process are not the best formula for software configuration management excellence. Leslie Sachs writes that the most important resources for configuration management excellence are people—the technology professionals and the leaders who guide the team toward CM excellence. This article will help you understand what psychologists have learned regarding some of the essential qualities found among top leaders and others who consistently achieve excellence.

Leslie  Sachs's picture Leslie Sachs
Streamlining and Automating Your Way to CM Excellence

Bob Aiello discusses hands-on software configuration management best practices within the context of organizational and group behavior. Excellence in CM requires that you implement best practices that meet the needs of your team. Done well, automated build, package, and deployment can help streamline the entire software and system development process, improving quality and productivity for your entire team.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello
Agile Software Configuration Management: Communications and Documentation

Agile software configuration management concepts and right-sizing the documentation on your projects are discussed.

Effective Methods for Software and Systems Integration Effective Methods for Software and Systems Integration

Effective software and systems integration methods allow you to understand the importance of critical factors such as planning, systems design, requirements, software design, configuration management, integration, testing, subcontractors, quality integration, and test facilities.

Boyd Summers
Instituting Change from the Bottom Up Instituting Change from the Bottom Up

In his Behaviorally Speaking series, Bob Aiello discusses hands-on software configuration management best practices within the context of organizational and group behavior. While conventional wisdom may say that "change comes from the top," Bob Aiello explains that change often needs to come from the bottom, that is the people doing the day-to-day work.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello
Do Your Agents Match Your Team Members' Personalities? Do Your Change Agents Match Your Team Members' Personalities?

Configuration management focuses on software process improvement in an organization in many important ways, impacting the application build, package, and deployment. However, some organizations are more open to change than others. If you want to be successful at bringing about positive change, then you need to be able to assess and understand the personality of your organization and identify the key change agents who can help you get the job done.

Leslie  Sachs's picture Leslie Sachs
Defining a Software Configuration Management Process to Improve Quality

Joe Farah explains that to successfully build a software configuration management (SCM) process, you must have a solid understanding of the objects you need to manage and a good feel for what SCM is supposed to accomplish.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
Building Best Practices Boost Processes and Quality How CM's Best Practices Boost Processes and Quality

In his Behaviorally Speaking series, Bob Aiello discusses hands-on software configuration management best practices within the context of organizational and group behavior. Bob Aiello helps you enhance your existing CM best practices by applying the core principles that deliver excellent process and quality.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello
How to Simultaneously Focus on Software Development Process and Quality

Engineers know the importance of process and quality, and many engineering disciplines emphasize quality control and quality assurance. Some people enjoy the challenge of focusing on quality, while others find it a necessary but less than exciting chore. Leslie Sachs looks at some of the factors that impact process and quality.

Leslie  Sachs's picture Leslie Sachs
Staying True to CM in Small Efforts CM for Small Teams: Staying True to CM in Small Efforts

Implementing configuration management in small teams presents a distinct set of challenges. Your ability to “right size” the effort will go a long way in how successful you are. Find out what questions to ask before you get started.

Joe Townsend's picture Joe Townsend


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