configuration management


How Small Teams Can Build Big Systems How Small Teams Can Build Big Systems

Small teams can be highly effective at creating big systems. In this "Behaviorially Speaking" feature, Bob Aiello explains how to be successful in a small team environment and also handle the growth often necessitated by success.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello
What a Small Team Really Needs for Software Configuration Management

In his CM: The Next Generation series, Joe Farah writes that software configuration management (SCM) can be a daunting venture for a small team. It seems that many solutions require a lot of effort and money, but this is not always the case. This article looks at what a small team really needs for CM.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
Selecting the Right Software Version Control Product

Michael Feighner draws up a checklist of version-control-tool criteria to aid an organization in selecting the best tool. His goal here is to suggest a partial framework for deciding which tool best fits your needs while at the same time adhering to configuration management best practices.

Michael Feighner
Software Configuration Management for Cloud, Mobile, and Database Development

Supporting cloud, mobile, and database development sounds like a remarkably technical endeavor. In practice, personality issues between team members can impact just how effectively you handle these complex technical efforts.

Leslie  Sachs's picture Leslie Sachs
How Database Change Management Helps Drive Operational Excellence

In this article, Yaniv Yehuda examines how Database Change Management (DCM) must be embraced by everyone on board when creating a successful deployment strategy. Learn how deadlines are more easily met and releases become more reliable with this strategy.

Yaniv  Yehuda's picture Yaniv Yehuda
Is There a Place in the Agile World for Tools?

When folks started moving to agile development around the turn of the century, they first moved away from using certain automated tools. They did this mostly in order to get rid of project management tools and focus on face-to-face communications. This was a reasonable reaction to what had turned into a world of silos and automated workflow management. We developers were ridding ourselves of the mechanisms that produce all of that ceremony and reams of design documents. We would only use index cards and hand-drawn charts on a whiteboard. We didn’t want any tools to get in the way of the real work we were doing.

Steven  Ropa's picture Steven Ropa
2012: The Year of DevOps

Scott Ambler explains how DevOps has grown within the agile community, and why he believes it will become an IT buzzword in 2012. DevOps uses agile's community-based teamwork and offers developers and those in operations a great way to make everyone's job easier.

Scott W. Ambler's picture Scott W. Ambler
Defining Requirement Types: Traditional vs. Use Cases vs. User Stories

If you have recently transitioned to an agile team, you may have questions about the differences between user stories and use cases, especially how they differ from tradition requirements writing. In this article, Charles Suscheck defines each of these requirements types and uses a running example to illustrate how they differ in a real-world setting.

Charles Suscheck's picture Charles Suscheck
Agile ALM for Delivering Customer Value: Back-end Disciplines

In this second part of a two-part series, Mario Moreira explores the back-end disciplines of a lifecycle that establishes an ALM framework centering on customer value. If your organization has adopted agile and you are looking at building your ALM framework, consider an infrastructure and tooling that will help you establish and build customer value throughout the lifecycle.

Mario  Moreira's picture Mario Moreira
Four CM Predictions for 2012

Leslie Sachs predicts 2012 as the year when companies will rediscover the importance of holding onto and developing their human resources like never before. Additionally, the year will challenge CM experts as they try to manage effectively when cloud providers often control significant resources.

Leslie  Sachs's picture Leslie Sachs


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