configuration management


Handling Personality Issues of a Team Establishing Process

IT professionals are often surprised to discover that it’s a bigger challenge to handle the people side of establishing process. This article gives you a head start on handling the implicit personality issues that are found in establishing process and more process.

Leslie  Sachs's picture Leslie Sachs
Eight Ways to Release Failure—A Checklist

“We don’t release software. It escapes!” (Carl, my former boss and a VP of Development) 

My former boss, Carl, once tried enticing me to join his management team by emphasizing how badly the company could use my process discipline skills; it worked.  I felt bad for them, and I was intrigued by the challenge. But, I learned at least as much as they did during my tenure there.

Over the course of my career, I have seen many instances of people failing at release management. In this article, I highlight eight statements that I have heard over the years from people in our line of work. Even though these people abide by these statements, they would never dare to repeat them out loud. I hope you will find inspiration not to follow these sayings!

Alan S. Koch
Testing Release Management in the Cloud

For many organizations, cloud computing has transitioned from a hyped buzzword into a reality in regards to their business operations. Many more enterprises are realizing the benefits of remote hosting IT services rather than local IT management, especially as managing and operating IT networks and services is not getting any easier.

Dan Joe Barry
Aspects of Release Management

The lack of proper planning can doom any project, or team. By involving every stakeholder, release management is made easier by helping to ensure customer satisfaction. Deadlines are able to be met, and with the exact product your customer had in mind.

Iniyan Charles's picture Iniyan Charles
Release Management and Deployment Essentials

Business requirements often dictate how changes in release management are addressed. But by following some essential practices and core beliefs, database deployment does not have to result in the headaches once caused.

Uri  Margalit's picture Uri Margalit
Continuous Integration and the Automated Database Update Process

Developers must have good feedback to ensure productivity. Most shops have a continuous integration (CI) build process that allows the developer to quickly know if a build failed, and some shops have an automatic deploy of the CI build to provide website feedback. Lance Lyons writes about an approach to automating the update of databases in a CI environment.

Lance Lyons
Communication and Cooperation When Implementing CM and ALM

If you have been involved with any technology-related efforts, then you will instantly recognize how often teams struggle with effective collaboration, communication, and cooperation. This article covers several key “people” issues that you should consider when implementing CM and ALM strategies.

Leslie  Sachs's picture Leslie Sachs
Simulation Games: A Way to Improve Communication in the Team

One of the hardest daily tasks developers, QA, ScrumMasters, and product owners encounter is effective communication with others. Sound implausible? According to many articles, research, and personal observations, the main cause of project failure is not technology or hardware, but inefficient communication stemming from lack of effective communication between team members, incomplete business analysis, imprecise requirements, and vaguely formulated business objectives.

Monika Konieczny's picture Monika Konieczny
Going Greener with Configuration and Supplier Management

In this age of "going green," it helps to know how to get started. These selection criteria can help data centers become more energy efficient through the course of normal hardware and software replacement.

Karen Ferris
The Top Five Reasons for Orchestrated IT Service Management

Service management systems are IT’s online face to the business. Although employees rely on enterprise applications and personal productivity tools to get their jobs done, they turn to the IT service system for fulfillment when they run into problems. This article defines the top five reasons for choosing orchestrated ITSM systems, then compares and contrasts these systems to the other classes of ITSM systems in use today.

David Hurwitz


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