configuration management


Factor in Coworkers' Personalities When Implementing ITIL/ITSM

There are many people who do not like structure. Application lifecycle management (ALM), and, even more so, IT infrastructure library (ITIL) as a framework, touch some people's buttons as being just too much structure. In this article, Leslie Sachs examines the personality factors that you need to be aware of when implementing ALM and ITIL/IT service management (ITSM).

Leslie  Sachs's picture Leslie Sachs
How to Use ALM for a Comprehensive Software and Systems Development Lifecycle

Bob Aiello explains that ALM and ITIL provide considerable guidance that can help you implement a comprehensive software and systems development lifecycle. Your organization would benefit from implementing these best practices, especially if you need to meet regulatory requirements or perhaps pass an internal audit once in a while.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello
Ten Capabilities that ALM Tools Must Support

Joe Farah writes that next generation ALM tools must not interfere with development by adding overhead. Instead, they must help to increase efficiencies and productivity of all roles as part of the agile backbone. Here is a list of capabilities that ALM tools must support in an increasingly agile world.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
Build Capability Basics

A basic build capability is founded on two key fundamentals: the ability to reproduce the build and the ability to automate the build process. Without these two fundamentals, you're fighting an uphill battle. Reproduction of the build implies that you have a CM system able to capture the build definition. Automation helps to ensure that no manual errors can play into the production, but this is just the beginning. These build basics will help set you on the right path for high-quality changes.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
Rocks Build Management Essentials: The Basics and More

In theory, build management is simple. But like many aspects of IT, in reality, it's quite complex. This article introduces the basics of build management and provides a foundation on which to build further study.

Joe Townsend's picture Joe Townsend
Personality Factors That Influence Core Build and Release Management Practices

Leslie Sachs discusses the key people skills essential to appreciating how and which personality factors most impact one's ability to successfully implement core build and release management practices.

Leslie  Sachs's picture Leslie Sachs
The Needs and Growth for ALM Tools and Techniques

After defining ALM and looking at the entire lifecycle, teams can begin deciding which tools to utilize to close the gap that often forms between development and operations. Learn how to avoid disruptions by choosing tools that can work across the entire lifecycle.

Sasha Gilenson's picture Sasha Gilenson
Build Management Essentials You Need to Know

Joe Farah writes that it used to be that reproducibility was the holy grail of build process and capabilities. While that is still the central requirement, good build management processes and tools can take you a lot further, a lot faster, and with better quality.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
Listen Up, Vendors! Six Requirements for ALM Tools

We in the CM/ALM community rely on tools, but how do we pick the best tools for the job? These six requirements outline what we look for in our ALM tools and what we don't want to see. Vendors, take heed!

Joe Townsend's picture Joe Townsend
A Primer on a Next Generation Application Lifecycle Management Tool

Joe Farah gives a primer on a next generation ALM tool that reinforces the concepts of next generation ALM. Next generation ALM tools are, well, somewhat futuristic. After all we're talking about the next generation. But it's hard to talk about abstract and idealistic concepts if they are too hard to picture.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah


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