configuration management


Language-Aware SCM

Five or six years ago, the SCM arena was in a comfortable “status quo”, in which tools delivered only what developers expected (or even less) and innovation didn’t arrive at a quick pace.And then the DVCS arrived on the scene and turned the SCM world upside down.

Pablo Santos
DevOps 101: The Future of Development, Quality and Operations

DevOps is a movement that is underway or at least in the very early stages of infancy as a way to rid the IT world of some if not most of its silo’s.  Silos have existed in Information Technology (IT) from the beginning for two reasons, the complex nature of early IT systems and because that’s the way businesses are run, for the most part.  Silo’s are an easy way for Accounting to make sense of business operations, for example, marketing only does marketing activities, sales does sales, distribution does distribution, etc.  So fast forward to today’s IT environment where Agile is taking hold and become more prevalent, where IT systems are becoming more complex, where news reaches the rest of the worlds in seconds not days or weeks.  Large scale failures and inefficiency is becoming not only way of life, in some people’s eyes it’s the norm in IT.  DevOps is an attempt to correct this: Will it succeed?  Time will tell.

Joe Townsend's picture Joe Townsend
What Is DevOps, Anyway?

“DevOps” is a contraction of “development and quality assurance” and “operations” that describes the practice and result of the bi-directional integration of these functions in an enterprise. It is a set of development, quality assurance, and operational tools and processes aimed at achieving the business goal of deploying timely and higher-quality software products and services.

Bill Portelli
The Crucial Role DevOps Plays in Change and Configuration Management

Agile's core principles may have been originally intended at the software development, but the concept of DevOps has shown that agile's benefits can be experienced by a much larger audience. Collaboration between these two departments benefits just as much as anyone.

Sasha Gilenson's picture Sasha Gilenson
Agile Teams Care about Dev Ops

While it’s good that the idea of considering production issues early now has a name (Dev Ops), what matters in the end is delivering software more reliably, reducing waste in the product delivery process, and making stakeholders happy. Since product’s don’t deliver value until they are deployed and working it’s good to take a step back and consider operations and deployment processes and team as first class stakeholders earlier.

Steve Berczuk's picture Steve Berczuk
What Else Does Application Lifecycle Management Need?

Joe Farah writes on what application lifecycle management (ALM) needs, plus the underpinnings and structures that are in place within a CM and ALM tool that help give the tool significant character.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
Agile Practices Need to Evolve Dramatically in US Defense

This past Tuesday, December 14th, I attended the U.S. Department of Defense Agile Development Conference in Washington DC put on by the Association For Enterprise Information. During the conference the expanding commitment to agile by the DOD community was clear.

Bill Portelli
Agile SCM: Basics for Small Teams

As much as software developers are stereotyped as solitary coders, software development is a collaborative activity. Communication among team members is essential in ensuring continuously working software. And working software is what makes communication with stakeholders easier. You can show the state of your application rather than explain progress in terms of more abstract concepts. Your SCM system (and processes) are an essential part of how you communicate both in and about code between developers and to stakeholders.

A Psychology Framework That Will Help You Implement CM Practices

How does personality impact the implementation of industry Standards and Frameworks? It would seem that following the guidance in the IEEE 828 CM Planning standard is simply a matter of writing CM Plans and documenting your existing CM practices. The fact is that some people implement Standards and Frameworks successfully and others fail miserably. This article presents a popular and highly regarded psychology framework that will help you better understand how to implement Configuration Management.

Leslie  Sachs's picture Leslie Sachs
How Vendors Can Move the CM and ALM Industries Forward

Joe Farah writes from a vendor's perspective where he explains what to do help the configuration management (CM) and application lifecycle management (ALM) industry move forward. Make sure the CM and ALM components and features that you're working on are well defined.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah


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