configuration management


Standards and Frameworks for CM: A Different Perspective

Needs a summary

Joe Townsend's picture Joe Townsend
Does Size Matter for Application Lifecycle Management?

Joe Farah attempts to answer whether or not size matters for application lifecycle management. The next generation of CM and ALM processes and tools change the game for small teams. It's no longer a question of what parts of the ALM process we cut out or ignore. Instead, it's how can I compete against a Goliath competitor.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
Essentials for Small Team Dynamics in CM Practices

Personality matters a great deal when you need to be able to help a small team implement essential software configuration management practices. Small teams have dynamics just like any other team and you need to know what it takes to help your team achieve success. SCRUMs may have a maximum size of nine members, but you will likely find yourself in organizations where successful teams grow and you have to deal with the dynamics implicit in a successful team that now has new requirements for communicating and working together successfully. In this column, we will take a look at some of the essentials required for small teams.

Leslie  Sachs's picture Leslie Sachs
SCM Essentials for Small Teams: Less Can Be More

There are several questions you have to ask and answer when implementing software configuration management (SCM) for small teams: Is the minimalist approach of SCM congruent with my duties to implement sound SCM? Is there a difference between implementing SCM on small versus large teams? Can I pick and choose the concepts of SCM to implement?

Joe Townsend's picture Joe Townsend
When Large Teams Shrink

Ben Weatherall addresses what happens when large teams shrink to the extent that they are considered small. There are several situations where this commonly happens—for example, when a team has been raided by other teams, when the majority of the work has been accomplished and a large team is no longer needed, or when the corporate situation is such that downsizing occurs.

Ben Weatherall's picture Ben Weatherall
Beyond Configuration Management into Application Lifecycle Management—Just a Change of Focus?

CM is an important driver for development productivity, yet remains often overlooked when discussing how the development lifecycle could be optimized. Often, this happens because of the perceived complexity of parallel strategies and additional overhead. However, today’s CM tools offer powerful capabilities that allow users to tap into that potential.

Mike Shepard
Personality Challenges Inherent in Shifting from CM into ALM

This month’s topic is a paradigm shift that requires that we move from focusing narrowly on the CM function to the much broader Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) view. I know people who cannot make this shift. From a personality perspective, these folks have great difficulty seeing the big picture and the more comprehensive lifecycle view required by ALM. There are good reasons for these problems, and in this article we’ll examine the personality challenges inherent in shifting from CM into ALM.

Leslie  Sachs's picture Leslie Sachs
Moving Beyond Configuration Management to Application Lifecycle Management

Perhaps when there was less market pressure, or fewer applications and products with far fewer computers, it was fine to focus on software design and implementation. Joe Farah writes that in those days of old, managing the new flexibility and capabilities afforded by software was the big challenge, but we've come a long way since then.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
How Workers' Personalities Can Affect How They Approach Projects and Products

Personality accounts for a lot. You can tell a great deal about how someone is going to handle a situation by understanding their personality. In fact, if you get really good at this game you can sometimes predict what they are going to do. Some people just can’t manage to the see the big picture, and that is often evident in how they approach their work, whether tactical project or a strategic product. If you want to be able to work with different personalities then you need to understand what motivates them to act, or in some cases, fail to act.

Leslie  Sachs's picture Leslie Sachs
Configuration Management is Lika a Race Track—Really!

A race track is built as a permanent facility designed with materials and formation to ensure the track is easily maintainable, and to enable that class of race car to travel in a reliable manner. So what does this have to do with configuration management (CM)? The race track is a lot like a CM infrastructure needed by product team to support the building of product. The race car is a lot like the CM tasks that are executed to help the project race to the release finish line.

Mario  Moreira's picture Mario Moreira


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