configuration management


Small Teams in a Large Organization

Ben Weatherall writes that the need to tailor existing SCM tools should be kept to a minimum and the solutions be implemented is such a way as to be reused in the future. Additional SCM requirements for these teams over and above those already in place are generally modest.

Ben Weatherall's picture Ben Weatherall
Three Wishes for Software Configuration Management (SCM)

Joe Farah writes of three Christmas wishes he has for the world of software configuration management (SCM). If we do these key things properly, we won't just see an jump in SCM maturity. We'll see a fire that spreads the wealth.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
The Decline and Fall of Agile SCM—and the Rise of Lean SCM

There are definite signs of Agile methods (with a capital A) may be losing mind share or, at the very least, suffering from a certain amount of perhaps over-hype or over familiarity. Or maybe it is just the rise in cases of AFS (Agile Fatigue Syndrome). For some, agile is giving away to the rise of lean software development. Where will it end?

Why Software Configuration Management is Essential for a Small Business

Exactly how big should an organization be before CM must take an active part in the development team? The answer is simple: CM, when properly adopted, gives an advantage to the small business that is necessary for it to compete. It doesn't really matter the size your company, you still have to successfully develop, build, distribute, and track your software.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
Value of Configuration Management by Agile Professionals

Mario Moreira surveyed recently surveyed agile professionals to find out just how valuable CM processes and tools are to them. While there was a noticeable difference in opinion between different responder age groups, the overall response was overwhelmingly positive in CM's favor.

Mario  Moreira's picture Mario Moreira
Overcome Resistance to Change for Success as a CM Leader

Some people just don't wanna change...but change is essential. Change is essential. Insanity has often been defined as doing the same thing over and over again and yet expecting the results to be different. If approaching a problem in a particular way is not working, then you need to consider changing how you're doing things. Although Greek philosophers were well aware that change is a permanent characteristic of the universe, it is certainly true that recent generations have seen the most rapid transformations in the shortest time spans. The reality is that only the most adaptive individuals can be successful leaders in the world as we know it today.

Leslie  Sachs's picture Leslie Sachs
Experience Report: Engineering Change in a Large Organization

It's so easy to get comfortable in your everyday surroundings, but you should know by now that change is often right around the corner. In a larger sized organization, change can be difficult to implement with minimal disruptions, but it can be done, and to the benefit of everyone.

Motivate Your Colleagues While Implementing Standards and Frameworks

Implementing standards and frameworks involves organizing complicated information in order to help technology professionals produce work that is consistent and, by definition, complies with the standard or framework. These same technical wizards often thrive on their individual creative processes. But there are ways to empower and motivate your colleagues while still implementing industry standards and frameworks. This article discusses some of the personality and teamwork issues that you need to consider in this effort.

Leslie  Sachs's picture Leslie Sachs
New Branching Standards for Configuration Management

Joe Farah explores a potential standard for next generation branching. It not only has advanced capabilities and processes, but can also significantly reduce CM complexity and increase CM automation.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
How Does Software Development Fit in with ITIL's Configuration Management Database?

How does software development fit with your ITIL CMDB? ITIL® has long been recognized as the de facto industry standard for IT service management and the adoption of ITIL has been growing rapidly across the world. IT Service Management (ITSM) derives enormous benefits from a best practice approach. Change management and configuration management are core practices at the heart of ITIL and ISO/IEC 20000, the auditing standard that is aligned with ITIL.


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