configuration management


Persuading Management to Invest in a Formal Team Development Process

A vendor left me a phone message. He began by thanking me for visiting his booth at a conference at which I was a speaker. He told me that his product was just what I needed and would solve some of my biggest problems. He also assured me that I would benefit in many ways. Finally, he then asked if I would call him back so we could continue the conversation

Charles Edwards
How to Implement Continuous Integration

The term “continuous integration” is getting a bit of attention these days. It refers to the process of integrating often (or immediately) to reduce integration effort, complexity, and pain.It allows for others make changes more readily. While the term “continuous” is catchy, it is not accurate in what the concept implies. In context to integration, it implies a process without interruption.

Mario  Moreira's picture Mario Moreira
Learning from Concurrent, Parallel, and Distributed Systems Design

This month we do a bit of a context switch from the world of parallel development to the world of concurrent, parallel, and distributed systems design (and then back again). The purpose is to see if any of the same patterns of concurrent, parallel, and distributed processing apply to the case of concurrent, parallel, and distributed development.

Integrated Tools Enhance Distributed Development

When I look at the prospect of a distributed development effort, it scares me. So much depends on having the right people and good communicators, all in the right places. It also depends on the successful merging of cultures, but more and more distributed development is taking place.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
Moving Dependency Tracking Into The CM Process

Last month I spent a bit of time describing how a CM tool could support the creation and comparison of builds, to support the building of multiple variants, etc., based on a single baseline. This month, I will focus on how the CM tool can simplify the build process, moving the process out of "Make" files while supporting the creation of reusable, layered software.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
Using Merge To Yank A Change

I'll keep this one short. If you have a change that has been made to a file (or even to a change package of files) somewhere in the past and you would like to eliminate that change from the past, you can do so with a judicious use of almost any merge tool.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
Changes: The Crossroads Between Project CM and Product CM

Project perspective or product perspective - what's the best way to look at configuration management. Well... both. We'll journey through both sides, giving this author's perspective of each, and showing how changes form the crossroads between project CM and product CM. Right off the bat, we'll need to agree on some definitions.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
Configuration Management VS Change Management - Who's in Control

Discussion has gone around a number of times on the issue. There's even been a poll on the issue. Is configuration management part of change management or vice versa? Everyone has an opinion and there does not seem to be a consensus. What's the problem? Well, here's how I see it.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
Approaching Code Access for Distributed Development

There was a time when mainframe development was the norm and teams were in close physical contact only having to walk down a few feet to interact with their colleagues. However, times have changed and access to code has to be considered in a much more serious manner. Some companies have had multiple sites participate in their development efforts for upwards of two decades, but a majority of them have only been at this for the last 5 years or just undertaking this venture. The crux of distributed development is the ability to share code for development across sites via the network or via tape or disk.


Mario  Moreira's picture Mario Moreira
CM: The Nerve of Your Life Cycle Management

Most CM professionals, I think, would agree that the CM database is not just another component of Application Life-Cycle (ALC) management, it's really at the heart of the matter. I'd like to say that the CM function shares the same stature - it's not just another component of your ALC management - it's the nerve. In fact, I'd like to go one step further and say that the integration of CM and Data Management (DM) capabilities, when done properly, can transform your ALC management environment into a next generation engine that will empower each component of your environment.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah


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