configuration management


Automation Opportunities Automation Opportunities in Agile Release Management

In modern software development, changes to the code base of a project occur quickly as a result of high levels of end-user feedback and shifting needs. Agile has become an increasingly important software development lifecycle management methodology, and using automation to manage a code repository allows continuous integration to take center stage without imposing costs due to human error.

Sujit Kumar's picture Sujit Kumar
DevOps Maturity Model Defining What’s Really Important in a DevOps Maturity Model

There is a lot more to DevOps than just single push-button deploys. While a DevOps maturity model can help measure where you are now and indicate where you need to get to as part of the DevOps transformation, it can be more useful to focus on the capabilities you need to measure: timely deployment and secure, reliable systems.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello
Lean and Agile Lean and Agile Principles in Software Development

Agile software development methodologies grew out of lean principles pioneered in business and industry over the past seventy years, and they are now often referred to as lean’s digital counterpart. By better understanding the philosophy behind lean, developers can gain insight into agile and its uses and pitfalls, making the most of its practice for their team.

Uday Kumar's picture Uday Kumar
DevOps Teams Programmable Infrastructure and DevOps Teams

A decade ago, continuous integration became a key practice to support the agile process. Now, the hot topic is continuous delivery, and Pini Reznik has noticed many similarities between the adoption of CD today and the implementation of CI. You can learn a lot from past experiences.

Pini Reznik's picture Pini Reznik
Multifaceted Development Environment How to Efficiently Set Up a Multifaceted Development Environment

The matrix of infrastructures and platforms developers require presents a number of different options to set up and administrate the ecosystem. Rami Honig describes his company’s journey to create a robust development environment that is functional and collaborative.

Rami Honig's picture Rami Honig
Project Management ALM Using Project Management to Orchestrate Collaboration in ALM

The biggest challenges of current application lifecycle management processes are dispersion of teams, muddied transitions, and the constant movement of information and artifacts. Project management tools compensate for this constant exchange by providing artifact repositories, streamlined task management, and visibility across the board.

Aleks Peterson's picture Aleks Peterson
Database Changes Create Your Own Assembly Line-Style Migrations for Database Changes

In an increasingly data-driven world with ever-changing systems, having an automated process for database migrations is a valuable practice. Instead of people having to keep track of each file, table, procedure, or object being modified, a tool can make database deployments more automatic and less excruciating, saving time and reducing errors.

Karthikraj Sriram's picture Karthikraj Sriram
IT Operations Analytics Streamlining the Management of Hybrid Clouds with IT Operations Analytics

A hybrid cloud incorporates—not just bridges between—public and private clouds, enabling businesses and their IT organizations unprecedented flexibility. But a transition to a hybrid cloud brings its own set of challenges. Sasha Gilenson addresses some of these difficulties and offers some IT operations analytics solutions.

Sasha Gilenson's picture Sasha Gilenson
Build Management to DevOps From Build Management to DevOps: Lessons Learned

When a team works across multiple build systems with a variety of tools, conditions, and approaches, a unified vision can help people move forward and be successful. This article shares lessons learned when migrating from build management to DevOps in an enterprise environment.

Eitan Schichmanter's picture Eitan Schichmanter
Integrated ALM Solutions Implementing Integrated ALM Solutions: A Comprehensive Guide

Even with the increasing availability of highly effective integrated ALM solutions, lots of companies are still using a fragmented software ecosystem they have adopted over the years. This article explores the benefits of and the costs associated with migrating to an integrated system in order to maximize efficiency.

Kristof Horvath's picture Kristof Horvath


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