How DevOps Drives the Agile ALM One of the most effective approaches to DevOps involves moving the automation of the application build, package, and deployment upstream to the beginning stages of the software development lifecycle—an industry best practice long before DevOps became as popular as it is today.
You Can't Be Agile without Automated Unit Testing Agile projects assume that test planning, test creation, and test execution take place throughout a project's lifecycle. So the need for unit testing (and especially automated unit testing) can't be ignored and should be considered as a key responsibility of the entire team—not just the software developers.
The $440 Million Software Bug In August, Knight Capital Group lost $440 million in one day. But there weren’t any traders to blame—at least no human ones. The loss was the result of a software system upgrade gone awry. What can we learn from this and other software catastrophes in the financial sector, and how can we prevent them in the future?
Agile Code for Agile Teams What makes a team agile? Is it in the way it plans projects or how it engineers its products? In this article, Steve Berczuk explains how agile code and technical practices can help a team stay agile across the product lifecycle.
The Case of the Crashing Test Site Tom McGreal warns you of problems that may be lurking in your deployment environment.
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