development lifecycles


DevOps collaboration DevOps: The Pathway to Stellar Digital and Business Results

DevOps is the key to unifying technology with business results. Customers abandon apps and sites if their expectations are not met almost instantly, so issues must be resolved earlier in the pipeline before end-users are impacted. This article highlights the need for adopting a DevOps culture and some best practices for doing so.

Martin Etmajer's picture Martin Etmajer
Open Source Management Four Risks You Can Avoid by Making Open Source Management Part of Your ALM

With open source components being used in more than 80 percent of commercial software developed today, ALM efforts must be altered to address them. Failing to do so may introduce unnecessary risks. This article outlines the potential risks associated with not managing open source as part of your ALM, and explains how these risks can be easily avoided.

Rami Sass's picture Rami Sass
Development Lifecycle Performance Monitoring across the Development Lifecycle

The nature of software delivery has evolved significantly over the years. This has led to a change in how application teams work, so the tools they should use to help them deliver software have also changed. Integrating application performance monitoring into the software development lifecycle means issues affecting performance can be fixed before applications are deployed.

Laura Strassman's picture Laura Strassman
IT Controls Establishing IT Controls for Consistent, Efficient Delivery

Many high-security institutions have guidelines that must be followed in order to comply with industry regulatory requirements. But these best practices can help any company avoid costly mistakes while enabling teams to work faster and more effectively. This article tells you how to get started establishing your own practical and reliable IT controls.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello
Useful Software Tool DevOps: A Useful Software Tool or an Overrated Fad?

While DevOps provides organizations with an opportunity to transform and make their IT services more efficient, it remains to be seen how far DevOps will be successful in empowering digital transformation. Getting the right balance in development and operations will be critical in this process.

Renjitha Balkrishan's picture Renjitha Balkrishan
Automation Opportunities Automation Opportunities in Agile Release Management

In modern software development, changes to the code base of a project occur quickly as a result of high levels of end-user feedback and shifting needs. Agile has become an increasingly important software development lifecycle management methodology, and using automation to manage a code repository allows continuous integration to take center stage without imposing costs due to human error.

Sujit Kumar's picture Sujit Kumar
Automate Your Testing When Should You Automate Your Testing?

Although it sounds counterintuitive, manual testing still plays a large role in automation. In truth, manual testing will never go away. While automation is all the rage, there are instances when manual testing is preferable over automation. Knowing when to employ one tactic over the other can be helpful in reaching your goals.

Mush Honda's picture Mush Honda
Lean and Agile Lean and Agile Principles in Software Development

Agile software development methodologies grew out of lean principles pioneered in business and industry over the past seventy years, and they are now often referred to as lean’s digital counterpart. By better understanding the philosophy behind lean, developers can gain insight into agile and its uses and pitfalls, making the most of its practice for their team.

Uday Kumar's picture Uday Kumar
Open Source Code Management Integrating Open Source Code Management Tools in the SDLC

Developers realize that to meet deadlines may require assembling both proprietary and available open source software components. This article talks about exploiting benefits and managing challenges with reusing code for open source projects, open source code management tools and their integration, and leveraging managed open source software.

Hassib Khanafer's picture Hassib Khanafer
Project Management ALM Using Project Management to Orchestrate Collaboration in ALM

The biggest challenges of current application lifecycle management processes are dispersion of teams, muddied transitions, and the constant movement of information and artifacts. Project management tools compensate for this constant exchange by providing artifact repositories, streamlined task management, and visibility across the board.

Aleks Peterson's picture Aleks Peterson


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