

DevOps Team Finding a Balance of Power on a DevOps Team

There is a natural tension between development and operations. When this relationship is in balance, each side helps the other. But when there is imbalance, bad things can happen. Leslie Sachs details the pitfalls that can sabotage a DevOps team, as well as the checks and balances that will help the team achieve productivity and quality.

Leslie  Sachs's picture Leslie Sachs
Useful Software Tool DevOps: A Useful Software Tool or an Overrated Fad?

While DevOps provides organizations with an opportunity to transform and make their IT services more efficient, it remains to be seen how far DevOps will be successful in empowering digital transformation. Getting the right balance in development and operations will be critical in this process.

Renjitha Balkrishan's picture Renjitha Balkrishan
Gateway to Quality A Gateway to Quality Builds and Keeping the Release Branch Green

Eitan Schichmanter’s team evolved its development process from a focus on build management to a more robust DevOps transformation, and they designed a custom gated check-in system to help. He shares how they tackled challenges and created an internal solution to address an important technical requirement.

Eitan Schichmanter's picture Eitan Schichmanter
Continuous Improvement Culture The Five Paradoxes of Creating a Continuous Improvement Culture

The ability to stay competitive by adjusting, adopting, and continuously improving is essential to survive in the business world of today. But there are a few common challenges where your intuitive responses actually prevent you from succeeding. Keep these five paradoxes in mind during your DevOps continuous improvement journey.

Joakim Ahlstrom's picture Joakim Ahlstrom
Start Here with DevOps Curious about DevOps? Start Here!

Seems like everyone is talking about DevOps these days. But what is DevOps, and where can you go to learn more about how it affects you and your organization? Join us at DevOps Conference West to find out how to implement DevOps from some of the industry pros who have been part of the movement from its inception.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
DevOps Maturity Model Defining What’s Really Important in a DevOps Maturity Model

There is a lot more to DevOps than just single push-button deploys. While a DevOps maturity model can help measure where you are now and indicate where you need to get to as part of the DevOps transformation, it can be more useful to focus on the capabilities you need to measure: timely deployment and secure, reliable systems.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello
Communication and Culture Communication and Culture

Communication styles vary significantly from one person to another, due to personal tendencies and cultural influences. Keeping this in mind is especially important these days, with so much global connectivity. The DevOps transformation compels us to revisit the way we manage communication and culture and be mindful of our interactions with coworkers.

Leslie  Sachs's picture Leslie Sachs
Automate Your Testing When Should You Automate Your Testing?

Although it sounds counterintuitive, manual testing still plays a large role in automation. In truth, manual testing will never go away. While automation is all the rage, there are instances when manual testing is preferable over automation. Knowing when to employ one tactic over the other can be helpful in reaching your goals.

Mush Honda's picture Mush Honda
DevOps Teams Programmable Infrastructure and DevOps Teams

A decade ago, continuous integration became a key practice to support the agile process. Now, the hot topic is continuous delivery, and Pini Reznik has noticed many similarities between the adoption of CD today and the implementation of CI. You can learn a lot from past experiences.

Pini Reznik's picture Pini Reznik
Benefits of DevOps Survey Results: Businesses Reap the Benefits of DevOps Practices

According to a global DevOps survey conducted by Rackspace, DevOps adoption is becoming more widespread and companies are beginning to see real and measurable business benefits from doing DevOps. However, resistance to establishing a new practice is to be expected. This article examines how to get companywide buy-in and get started on the road to DevOps.

Prashanth Chandrasekar's picture Prashanth Chandrasekar


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