
DevOps and Dealing with Team Members How DevOps Can Help You Deal with Overly Aggressive Team Members

Leslie Sachs explains what to do when members of your team exhibit overly aggressive or downright combative behaviors. Because you’re unlikely to change your colleagues' modus operandi, it is wise to instead consider how your DevOps effort can benefit from taking into account some typical behaviors of people with Type A or Type B personalities.

Leslie  Sachs's picture Leslie Sachs
In a Flat World There Are Many Potholes

Imagine that you are the project manager of a software delivery program. Say someone on your team has been stumped by a problem for numerous hours and needs to resolve this "show stopper" to move to the next delivery phase of the project. You have called an emergency meeting and gathered a group of analysts, architects, software developers, and testers in a room for you all to work towards solving the issue. What do you do? David Lipien and Nicolas Concha explain how to handle this stressful situation as well as the lessons to be learned.

David Lipien's picture David Lipien
Respecting Culturally Diverse DevOps Teams

The year ahead likely will be filled with unprecedented challenges in terms of both technology and business demands. While technology and business needs are certainly complex, the people and personality issues may be even more challenging to deal with. This article will get you started with tackling some of these people-related challenges that you will likely encounter in the coming year.

Leslie  Sachs's picture Leslie Sachs
Considering the Modern Technology Career Considering the Modern Technology Career

The technical career ladder may be a quick climb, but what will you find at the top? Matthew Heusser looks at the lifespan, challenges, and opportunities of the modern tech career.

Matthew Heusser's picture Matthew Heusser
Anger Management

Have you ever felt like screaming at a customer, clobbering your manager, or trashing a teammate’s favorite digital device? Occasional anger is normal, but frequent anger can be harmful.

Naomi Karten's picture Naomi Karten
Reaching a Shared Understanding

Great things can come from teams that collaborate on projects, but reaching a shared understanding isn't always an easy task. With a variety of backgrounds and opinions, team members often face difficulty in coming to agreement. We looked into the causes for these roadblocks, and how to avoid them.

Naomi Karten's picture Naomi Karten
The Power of “Pull” Conversations

My team has been looking for ways to make sure we understand what our business stakeholders really want from each software feature that we develop. We felt that we had to solve a basic communication problem but didn’t know how to approach that.

Lisa Crispin's picture Lisa Crispin
Do Your Agents Match Your Team Members' Personalities? Do Your Change Agents Match Your Team Members' Personalities?

Configuration management focuses on software process improvement in an organization in many important ways, impacting the application build, package, and deployment. However, some organizations are more open to change than others. If you want to be successful at bringing about positive change, then you need to be able to assess and understand the personality of your organization and identify the key change agents who can help you get the job done.

Leslie  Sachs's picture Leslie Sachs
How to Simultaneously Focus on Software Development Process and Quality

Engineers know the importance of process and quality, and many engineering disciplines emphasize quality control and quality assurance. Some people enjoy the challenge of focusing on quality, while others find it a necessary but less than exciting chore. Leslie Sachs looks at some of the factors that impact process and quality.

Leslie  Sachs's picture Leslie Sachs
Heard and Valued: Three Short and Useful Bits of Advice for Improving Your Leadership Skills

Yogi Berra famously said, “You can observe a lot just by watching.” In this article, Payson shares some of what he’s learned about leadership just by listening. Learn how transparency and iterative improvement can maximize the results of great leadership.

Payson Hall's picture Payson Hall


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