Conference Presentations

Managing the Test Effort Using Requirements-Based Testing Metrics

It's difficult to quantify the true state of a test effort. Often, it's measured by quantity of work combined with deadline compliance. But if this is the case, then the true level of quality remains unknown. The Requirements-Based Testing (RBT) process offers a set of metrics that can be utilized throughout the development cycle. These metrics can provide an accurate picture of the test effort at any given time.

Gary Mogyorodi, Bit Inc.
Revealing the Mysteries of Test Measurement

Contrary to popular belief, test measurement is not a mysterious art. Rather, it's a vital part of test management. This presentation will assist those new to test measurement-and those that have been intimidated by measurement and its complexities in the past-discover that test measurement can and should be a part of your test plan. Learn metrics and techniques that are easy to understand as well as implement.

David Hutcheson, Glen Abbot Ltd.
Metrics Collection and Analysis for Web Sites

To many organizations, the concept of metrics is foreign. Even after taking training on metrics usage, few organizations take advantage of the value metrics can bring. This paper presents the special challenges online companies face, describes a practical plan for rolling out
test metrics, and shows how test metrics collection and analysis can reduce cycle time and provide meaningful information to the development team.

Joe Polvino, Element K
Managing Your Outsourcing Contract Through Metrics

Have project demands led you to consider outsourcing as a possibility? If so, make sure you get the most bang for your company's outsourced buck-and be able to prove it too. Learn about techniques you can use to manage your outsourcing contract based on an appropriate set of service level measures. Koni Thompson also provides specific recommendations for a metrics-centered approach based on the Capability Maturity Model (CMM).

Koni Thompson, The David Consulting Group
Software Metrics State of The Practice

This presentation reviews the results of KLCI's Fourth Annual "best practices" study, including: Metrics "Best Practices"; Spending benchmarks for software metrics; Benefits of software metrics; Software measurements used; and Tools for software metrics.

Peter Kulik, KLCI Research Group
Three Numbers to Measure Project Performance

We present a method which produces at any time during the execution of a big software
development project a reliable prediction of the total duration and of the total cost to expect
at project completion. The basic idea presented in our paper is to correlate cumulative cost consumed to current
completion reached, and to learn out of this about the future of the project. Prerequisites
are a cost consumption plan and a deliverables completion plan. The approach is
presented both theoretically and on hand of a real life case. Special attention is paid to
project management techniques related to the method.

Thomas Liedtke and Peter Paetzold, Alcatel
Success Factors and Measures in Outsourced Application Development

Today's e-conomy is creating higher time pressures than ever in application development. Many organizations are responding to the deadline pressures and backlogs through partnering. Whenever new partnering relationships are created, however, conflict can result. Learn the four key critical success factors to help you manage this type of strategic relationship, including how to deal with "shotgun weddings" and creating better dispute resolution frameworks.

Michael Mah, QSM Associates, Inc.
Metrics: Giving the Answer to the Right Question

What metrics are you going to give me? This is the type of question managers ask their QA analysts at the start of each project. In this presentation, learn how to interpret data to create a metric that can answer a specific question asked by management. Explore how quality assurance and testing-from goal setting to implementing tactics-can assist in creating reliable metrics. Kenneth Paczas looks at many of the questions that have been asked by management--and the metrics that were used to answer them.

Kenneth Paczas, Compuware Corporation
A Metrics Dashboard for IT Project Reporting

Tom Olenick described the activities performed to design, develop, deploy, and maintain a Project Management Metrics Dashboard across the IT organization of a major Chicago-based securities organization. Learn how this metrics dashboard was used to facilitate project status tracking for IT management and to provide a basis for improving the efficiencies of software development activities and estimation.

Thomas Olenick, Olenick & Associates
To Fight the Fire Without Completely Being Burned: A New Perspective on Heroes and Firefighters

Michael Hovan discusses the implementation of Bayer Corporation's measurement database over the past year. Discover the types of metrics collected, how the data is stored, and ways the data is analyzed and ultimately used. Based on actual data and measurement reports, learn from one company's experience in building, collecting, and using metrics to improve software performance.

Michael Hovan, Wind River Doctor Design Services


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