
QA professionals performing continuous testing How Continuous Testing Is Done in DevOps

DevOps does speed up your processes and make them more efficient, but companies must focus on quality as well as speed. QA should not live outside the DevOps environment; it should be a fundamental part. If your DevOps ambitions have started with only the development and operations teams, it’s not too late to loop in testing. You must integrate QA into the lifecycle in order to truly achieve DevOps benefits.

Junaid Ahmed's picture Junaid Ahmed
Infinity symbol with test automation gear incorporated Test Everywhere: A Journey into DevOps and Continuous Testing

A move to DevOps creates an opportunity to shift the testing process to the left. But what if you went further? DevOps supports continuous testing, so you can advocate for a constant focus on quality, with testing permeating the entire software development process. Here's how you can actually have a faster testing process when the software is tested throughout the lifecycle, by developers, testers, and automation alike.

Software engineer pouring coffee into a mug that says "UGH" 11 Reasons Behavior-Driven Development Can Fail

There are a lot of advantages to behavior-driven development, but there are also a lot of challenges you can encounter during the implementation. Knowing is half the battle, so be aware of these eleven common stumbling blocks to BDD adoption and outline plans to mitigate them beforehand, and you’ll be able to start reaping the benefits of BDD sooner.

Evgeny Tkachenko's picture Evgeny Tkachenko
Infinity symbol Has Continuous Deployment Become a New Worst Practice?

Software development has been moving toward progressively smaller and faster development cycles, and continuous integration and continuous deployment are compressing delivery times even further. But is this actually good for businesses or their users? Just because you can deploy to production quickly and frequently, should you?

John Tyson's picture John Tyson
Legos 100 Percent Unit Test Coverage Is Not Enough

Many people equate 100 percent unit test coverage with high code quality, but that is not enough. Code coverage tools only measure whether the tests execute the code; they make no judgment on the effectiveness of the tests. Testers should review unit tests, even if they have high coverage levels, and either help improve the tests or supplement them with extra tests where necessary.

John Ruberto's picture John Ruberto
Six steps 6 Steps to a Successful DevOps Adoption

Implementing DevOps practices can significantly accelerate software releases while still assuring applications meet quality objectives. But DevOps can’t be bought, bolted on, or just declared. If you’re considering a move to a DevOps delivery model, here are six approaches for ensuring a successful DevOps adoption within an organization.

Alan Crouch's picture Alan Crouch
Development, operations, and QA DevOps: Collaboration with a Purpose

Development, operations, and QA have long recognized the importance of coexistence, but they've still had weak or unbalanced relationships. DevOps emphasizes collaboration, rejecting the "us versus them" mentality. Every department needs information, feedback, and support from every other department, helping everyone see how they enable each other.

Douglas Fink's picture Douglas Fink
checklist 7 Test Automation Requirements for Higher Software Quality

An advanced, efficient test automation platform, combined with a more systematic and comprehensive architecture, can help boost quality assurance operations to a whole new level. In order to best maximize a software product’s reliability, consider these seven requirements for your test automation efforts.

Sammy Tam's picture Sammy Tam
mind map diagram Using Mind Maps to Create Comprehensive Test Plans in Your ALM

Mind maps work well for planning the test strategy and monitoring project status. Mind-mapping software makes all this easy, and the visual presentation keeps everyone in the loop. Ritinder Kaur shows how mind maps can communicate ideas clearly and help you execute them exactly to create a comprehensive test plan.

Ritinder Kaur's picture Ritinder Kaur
Clock: ready for go-live Are You Ready for Go-Live? 8 Essential Questions

As real and daunting as scheduling pressures can be, they have to be balanced with the consequences of a potentially disastrous premature go-live. Don’t let all the reasons a system simply "must" be implemented by a target date overwhelm compelling evidence that it is not ready. Consider these eight questions honestly first.

Payson Hall's picture Payson Hall


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