The Lost Art of Change Control Change control exists to review and approve important modifications, but done wrong, you chance confusion, chaos, failures, and outages. Poorly run change control wastes everyone’s time, but far worse is the missed opportunity to assess and manage risk. Here, Bob Aiello gets you up to speed on the lost art of change control.
SOA Was Built on Trust, but APIs Require Integrity With SOA, the services you consume are typically developed by your organization or a close business partner, so you can assume they have standards similar to your own. But when you adopt APIs, you usually have no visibility into how solidly the services were built—or when and how they are evolving. How should you properly vet an external API?
Four Risks You Can Avoid by Making Open Source Management Part of Your ALM With open source components being used in more than 80 percent of commercial software developed today, ALM efforts must be altered to address them. Failing to do so may introduce unnecessary risks. This article outlines the potential risks associated with not managing open source as part of your ALM, and explains how these risks can be easily avoided.
Establishing IT Controls for Consistent, Efficient Delivery Many high-security institutions have guidelines that must be followed in order to comply with industry regulatory requirements. But these best practices can help any company avoid costly mistakes while enabling teams to work faster and more effectively. This article tells you how to get started establishing your own practical and reliable IT controls.
Defining What’s Really Important in a DevOps Maturity Model There is a lot more to DevOps than just single push-button deploys. While a DevOps maturity model can help measure where you are now and indicate where you need to get to as part of the DevOps transformation, it can be more useful to focus on the capabilities you need to measure: timely deployment and secure, reliable systems.
Integrating Open Source Code Management Tools in the SDLC Developers realize that to meet deadlines may require assembling both proprietary and available open source software components. This article talks about exploiting benefits and managing challenges with reusing code for open source projects, open source code management tools and their integration, and leveraging managed open source software.
How to Incorporate Data Analytics into Your Software Process Big data isn’t just a buzzword; it lives in your software. With millions of possibilities to leverage analytics, how do you pick what’s right for your organization? Robert Cross provides some insight into how to start incorporating data analytics into your software process and management plan.
Cyber Security Test Warriors: Where Might You Take Your Career? Do you know the latest in test attacks and testing techniques to become a cyber security test warrior? Becoming one is probably not for everyone, but the need is real, continues to grow, and offers a career opportunity for those brave enough to take the challenge.
Why Target Needs a Secure, Trusted Application Base Target’s well-publicized disclosure that customers’ personally identifiable information (PII) had been compromised is the latest software “glitch” that is getting a fair amount of attention. Read on if you would like to know how to secure your systems without having to rely upon security scans that only detect the presence of a problem after it is already on your server.
Securing the Trusted Application Base Corporations, government agencies, and other institutions need to embrace industry best practices that have been proven to help develop and implement reliable systems. One of the most important considerations is the need for a secure, trusted application base. This article will help you get started delivering systems that can be verified and supported while continuously being updated as needed.