Why Software Development Companies Will Migrate Toward Cloud-Hosting Solutions Uday Kumar examines some of the key drivers for software development companies marching toward cloud-hosting solutions. Change is the only constant. While technologies will keep evolving to help us overcome challenges, there, of course, will be new and emerging challenges.
The Importance of Software Safety Software impacts our world in many important ways. Almost everything that we touch, from the beginning to the end of our day, relies upon software. Bob Aiello explains the importance of software safety for configuration managers. Remember, software safety requires that systems be built and configured in a secure and reliable way.
More Free Security Tools Times are tough, but people who want to break your software aren't relaxing and neither should you. In this column, Bryan Sullivan takes a look at some free security tools that can help you to protect your software without breaking the bank.
Advanced SQL Injection in SQL Server Applications This document discusses in detail the common "SQL injection" technique, as it applies to the popular Microsoft Internet Information Server/Active Server Pages/SQL Server platform. It discusses the various ways in which SQL can be "injected" into the application and addresses some of the data validation and database lockdown issues that are related to this class of attack.
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