Conference Presentations

PairWise Testing: A Best Practice that Isn't

By evaluating software based on its form, structure, content, and documentation, you can use static analysis to test code within a program without actually running or executing the program. Static analysis testing helps us stop defects from entering the code stream in the first place rather than waiting for the costly and time-consuming manual intervention of testing to find defects. With real-world examples, Djenana Campara describes the mechanics of static analysis-when it should be used, where it can be executed most beneficially within your testing process, and how it works in different development scenarios. Find out how you can begin using code analysis to improve code security and reliability.

  • The mechanics of automated static analysis
  • Static analysis for security and reliability testing
  • Integrating static analysis into the testing process
James Bach, Satisfice Inc
Inside The Masters' Mind: Describing the Tester's Art

Exploratory testing is both a craft and a science. It requires intuition and critical thinking. Traditional scripted test cases usually require much less practice and thinking, which is perhaps why, in comparison, exploratory testing is often seen as "sloppy," "random," and "unstructured." How, then, do so many software projects routinely rely on it as an approach for finding some of its most severe bugs? If one reason is because it lets testers use their intuition and skill, then we should not only study how that intuition and skill is executed, but also how it can be cultivated and taught to others as a martial art. Indeed, that's what has been happening for many years, but only recently have there been major discoveries about how an exploratory tester works and a new effort by exploratory testing practitioners and enthusiasts to create a vocabulary.

Jon Bach, Quardev Laboratories
Your Development and Testing Processes Are Defective

Verification at the end of a software development cycle is a very good thing. However, if verification routinely finds important defects, then something is wrong with your process. A process that allows defects to build up-only to be found and corrected later-is a process filled with waste. Processes which create long list of defects are . . . defective processes. A quality process builds quality into the software at every step of development, so that defect tracking systems become obsolete and verification becomes a formality. Impossible? Not at all. Lean companies have learned how wasteful defects and queues can be and attack them with a zero tolerance policy that creates outstanding levels of quality, speed, and low cost-all at the same time. Join Mary Poppendieck to learn how your organization can become leaner.

Mary Poppendieck, Poppendieck LLC
Test Patterns: Nine Techniques to Help Test for a Greater Variety of Bugs.

Building on his earlier columns covering James Bach's Heuristic Test Strategy Model, Michael Bolton delivers nine techniques--each of which affords a different way of modeling the product--to help you test your systems for a greater variety of bugs.

Michael Bolton's picture Michael Bolton
Taking Our Act on the Road

In this Test Connection, Michael Bolton discusses making your products portable.

Michael Bolton's picture Michael Bolton
More Than One Answer; More Than One Question

Connect with an expert to learn how to work smarter and discover new ways to uncover more defects. In this issue, Michael Bolton continues his discussion of James Bach's Heuristic Test Strategy Model by focusing on the importance of customer-facing quality criteria.

Michael Bolton's picture Michael Bolton
Elemental Models

Connect with an expert to learn how to work smarter and discover new ways to uncover more defects. In this issue, Michael Bolton continues his discussion of James Bach's Heuristic Test Strategy Model by introducing the Product Elements perspective on test coverage.

Michael Bolton's picture Michael Bolton
The Power of Predictability

Turn to The Last Word, where software professionals who care about quality give you their opinions on hot topics. This month, Linda Hayes details why being able to predict the end state of your data at the beginning of a test is vital to achieving accurate results.

Linda Hayes's picture Linda Hayes
"Risk" Is a Tester's Favorite Four-Letter Word

Good project managers speak the language of risk. Their understanding of risk guides important decisions. Testers can contribute to an organization’s decision-making ability by speaking that same language. During this session you will learn how to evaluate risk in both quantitative and qualitative ways. Identifying risk is important but managing risk is vital. Julie will discuss how to deal with the misunderstandings some managers have about risk-based testing including testing is always "risk-based," risk-based testing is nothing more than prioritizing tests, risk-based testing is a one-time-only activity, risk-based testing is a waste of time, and risk-based testing will delay the project.

  • Five different but complementary approaches to risk evaluation
  • Vital areas to consider when choosing your risk-based approach
  • Misconceptions of management regarding risk-based testing
Julie Gardiner, QST Consultants Ltd.
Testing Inside the Box

These days, we hear a lot about unit testing, testing for programmers, test-first programming, and the like. Design techniques for such tests and for improving system testing are often called white box test designs. Join Rex Black as he explains the basics of white box testing and compares
white box with other types of testing. Find out how the metaphor of "boxes" can inform-and confuse-us. Rex discusses the basis path tests, including cyclomatic number as a measure of complexity and a way to determine the number of tests necessary to cover all paths. He walks

Rex Black, Rex Black Consulting


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