Conference Presentations

Introduction to Testing XML and Related Technologies

The Extensible Markup Language (XML) provides a standards-based approach for defining and exchanging data. Gain an overview of XML concepts and terminology, XML conformance testing, validation, well-formedness checking, and performance testing. Learn how to create and implement XML specific test strategy, test plans, test cases, and test data based upon the instructor's real-world experiences.

Michael Cooper, Revenue Technologies Corporation
White-Box Testing: What Your Developers Don't Want You to Know

In this presentation, John Peraza describes how to use white-box testing to discover those defects that would otherwise remain undetected if you only conducted black-box testing. Learn various techniques-including test coverage, run-time memory leak detection, dynamic bounds checking, and code assessment for internationalization-that you can use to conduct white-box testing. Discover how BMC Software has benefited from including white-box testing in its quality assurance efforts.

John Peraza, BMC Software, Inc.
STAREAST 2001: Designing an Automated Web Test Environment

This paper offers an alternative to the typical automated test scripting method of "record and playback now and enhance the automation environment later." It explores a regression automation system design for testing Internet applications through the GUI, along with scripting techniques to enhance the scalability and flexibility of an automated test suite. This paper will present a basic structure for an automated test environment, and will expand on each of the items found in that structure. Web testing levels will be laid out, along with a basic approach to designing test scripts based on those web-testing levels.

Dion Johnson, Pointe Technology Group, Inc.
What are Patterns? Why Should Testers Care?

Patterns are a way of explaining design decisions. This format, invented by the architect Christopher Alexander and his colleagues, has been used in computer fields such as object-oriented design, risk management, and software testing. In their presentation, Sam Guckenheimer and Brian Marick describe what patterns are, why testers should use them, and how to create them.

Sam Guckenheimer, Rational Software and Brian Marick, Testing Foundations
STAREAST 2001: Bug Hunting: Going on a Software Safari

This presentation is about bugs: where they hide, how you find them, and how you tell other people they exist so they can be fixed. Explore the habitats of the most common types of software bugs. Learn how to make bugs more likely to appear and discover ways to present information about the bugs you find to ensure that they get fixed. Drawing on real-world examples of bug reports, Elisabeth Hendrickson reveals tips and techniques for capturing the wiliest and squirmiest of the critters crawling around in your software.

Elisabeth Hendrickson, Quality Tree Software, Inc.
Is a Use Case a Test Case?

This presentation draws the following conclusions:

  • Use cases are extremely effective for specifying
    functional requirements
  • Use cases unify the requirements, design, and testing
  • Each use case is a pattern for a test case and its
    associated test procedures
  • Testing based on use cases provides primary functional
    test coverage
  • Unit testing of use case realizations, both static and
    dynamic aspects, provides additional levels of quality
Dean Leffingwell, Rational Software


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