Conference Presentations

STAREast Logo Git and GitHub for Testers

GitHub is the repository for the vast majority of today’s open-source software. And that is why many interviewers look at applicants’ public accounts to assess their interests, popularity, helpfulness, and consistency. To collaborate with developers, today’s testers need git and...

Wilson Mar
STAREast Logo Nature vs. Nurture: Building Great Test Teams

When organizations expand internal test teams, hiring managers sort through piles of résumés hoping for a few gems. But scanning for coveted technical skills and relevant experience often leads to disappointment. With the proliferation of new software and the explosion of mobile devices...

Shaun Bradshaw
STAREast Logo Finding Success with Test Process Improvement

When you go on a road trip and want to plan your journey, you need to know where you are, where you want to go, and why you want to go there. You need the same things when you want to improve your test process. It doesn’t matter whether you are agile, waterfall, or part of a Test Center...

Gitte Ottosen
STAREast Logo Anti-Patterns for Automated Testing

Patterns—proven, repeatable solutions to common situations that occur again and again—are commonly used in development and to a lesser extent in testing. In addition to patterns, various anti-patterns have been discovered. These are common responses to recurring problems that, while...

Hans Buwalda
STAREast Logo Testing Lessons from the Land of Make Believe

Rob Sabourin has discovered testing lessons in Sesame Street, the Simpsons, the Looney Tunes gang, the Great Detectives, Dr. Seuss, and many other unlikely places, but this year he journeys to the Land of Make Believe. Rob's grandchildren Jane and Suzy draw him into the Land of Make Believe.

Rob Sabourin
STAREast Logo Analyze, Diagnose, and Prevent Test Flakiness

Test code development is generally approached with more lenient standards and less scrutiny than production code. As a result, rather than providing valuable feedback on software quality, this can lead to tests that produce inconsistent results and false outcomes. Team productivity is...

Dionny Santiago
STAREast Logo Evolve or Die: What Testers Need to Do to Survive and Thrive

With the advent of new technologies, agile methodologies, innovative tools, and a global workforce, the tester’s role is rapidly changing. Those who can adapt to the changing environment get the best jobs and assignments, and others get left behind. As the discipline of testing evolves...

Michael Cooper
STAREast Logo Defect Metrics for Organization and Project Health

Are you looking for a simple, meaningful approach to gather and report defect metrics? Want to make your project defects more visible? Wondering how to report defects to management and show value? With an ever increasing demand to show the business value of your testing, David Bialek...

David Bialek
STAREast Logo Uncover Untold Stories in Your Data: A Deep Dive on Data Profiling

How well do you know your data? Organizations are discovering the value in their data—as evidence of what they have done and a clue to how they can improve the bottom line. With the increase in analytics, it is no secret that there are more eyes on the data. And analyzing data can give...

Catherine Cruz Agosto
Uber’s Fascinating World of Inter-App Communications

After joining Uber in early 2015, Apple Chow and Bian Jiang encountered an Uber-unique challenge while investigating UI testing tools for their mobile applications. Many of their sanity tests required the rider application and driver application to communicate and coordinate actions in...

Apple Chow and Bian Jiang


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