Conference Presentations

If You Could Turn Back Time: Coaching New Testers

If you could turn back time, what do you wish you had known when you started working as a tester? When you are new to testing, you are faced with daunting challenges. Recent college graduates may find it difficult to apply academic knowledge in practice. It is easy to get discouraged...

Christin Wiedemann, Professional Quality Assurance, Ltd. and Richard Lu, Professional Quality Assurance, Ltd.
Implement an Enterprise Performance Test Process

Suddenly, application performance is important to your business, and you have been given the budget to improve it. You’re in a hurry because customers are complaining or because you expect jumps in transaction volume and your application needs to scale quickly. Do you know where to start?

Ryan Riehle, InCycle Software
Stop Maintaining Multiple Test Environments

Today, most of us struggle with non-production environments. Either the test data is not right or consistent, the dependencies are mismanaged, or “They just aren't quite like production.”  Instead of striving for simpler environments, most organizations add test environments―pre-prod...

Joel Tosi, DevJam
Avoid Testing Mistakes or Really Bad Things Can Happen

In our work we assess the quality of software to give well-grounded advice on the “go live” decision. We test software to prevent bad things from happening to users once the software is deployed. However, in some cases, the mere act of testing breaches safety barriers and can put companies...

Bart Knaack, Professional Testing
Software Testing’s Future—According to Lee Copeland

The original IEEE 829 Test Documentation standard is thirty years old this year. Boris Beizer’s first book on software testing, Software Testing Techniques, also passed thirty. Testing Computer Software, the best-selling book on software testing, is more than twenty five. During the past...

Lee Copeland, Software Quality Engineering
Strategies for Mobile Web Application Testing

Mobile web testing is still a widely unexplored territory—with no standardized tools or testing processes—where testers often struggle due to lack of guidance and resources. With mobile devices, tools, operating systems, and web technologies rapidly evolving, testers must adapt their...

Raj Subramanian, Progressive Insurance
Managing Technological Diversity: Avoid Boiling the Ocean

Drop everything! We need to regression test the newest browser version. Apple just released a new device and iOS. We need to test our site on IE11 with Windows 8.1. Sound familiar? The number of technologies our software products must be compatible with has grown exponentially, and the...

Katy Douglass, Nationwide Financial
The Magic of Assumptions

There are no “facts” about the future. Everything we think we know about tomorrow is based on what we think we know about the world today and our assumptions of where that will likely lead. Through a process of trial and error successful project managers, software developers, testers, and...

Payson Hall, Catalysis Group, Inc.
Grooming the Backlog: Plan the Work, Work the Plan

Stories in the backlog must be ready to go in time to begin each sprint—priorities are set, stories are at the Goldilocks level of granularity (not too big, and not too small), and stakeholders are prepared to discuss the details. Getting the backlog ready and grooming it take serious...

Andy Berner, QSM, Inc.
Test Management for Busy People

In today's fast-paced IT world we are often told to deliver higher quality systems to our customers under challenging time schedules, with fewer resources, and reduced budgets. As test...

Lloyd Roden, Lloyd Roden Consultancy


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