Conference Presentations

Transform Your Cloud Validation Strategy from Cloudy to Clear

Security, data privacy, reliability, and regulatory compliance are critical factors when evaluating whether to move business applications from in-house, client-hosted environments to a cloud platform. Quality assurance plays a vital role in ensuring that the appropriate level of risk...

Vandana Viswanathan
Go Test Yourself: A Self-Testing Automation Pattern

Today even the simplest applications are built with numerous technologies, creating an ever-expanding need for tests. If you’ve built an automation framework and a suite of tests, Prakash Karaka says you are off to a good start. However, as your application changes expand, you are required...

Prakash Karaka
Comprehensive Performance Testing: From Early Dev to Live Production

Although the idea of doing performance testing throughout the software lifecycle sounds simple enough, as soon as you try to combine the concepts of “always testing” (in dev, pre-prod, and production) with “limited time and resources” and throw in the word “comprehensive,” the challenges...

Brad Stoner
IoT Software Testing Challenges: The IoT World Is Really Different

With billions of devices containing new software connected to the Internet, the Internet of Things (IoT) is poised to become the next growth area for software development and testing. Although many traditional test techniques and strategies remain viable, challenges in IoT testing include...

Jon Hagar
Testing the Magic at Walt Disney Imagineering

It takes more than faith, trust, and pixie dust to test a Disney theme park attraction. How does Walt Disney Imagineering ensure quality experiences for their guests? Janna Loeffler faced this challenge when she joined Walt Disney Imagineering (WDI). Since 2015 Janna has led the testing...

Janna Loeffler
The Tester’s Role: Balancing Technical Acumen and User Advocacy

Ten years ago, many of us started our careers in testing, generally moving from a different internal role. It was common for people who were product users to be hired to jump start their technical career. Now, we see the growth of tester positions that require coding experience or a...

Melissa Tondi
It’s Time to Automate Your Exploratory Testing

Exploratory testing (ET) is a great complement to traditional test approaches. Testing professionals often see ET as an approach for manual testing. However, trying to organize ET from a test process perspective can be a challenge. There is an important question to ask—and answer...

Jim Trentadue
The Boss Chose the Cloud: What Does that Mean for You?

Although most test managers and testing staff know how to cope with new and difficult testing challenges, Martin Pol and Jeroen Mengerink maintain that the cloud phenomenon requires special attention. Testing must evolve and innovate to address the newly introduced risks combined with...

Martin Pol and Jeroen Mengerink
Adaptive Automation: Tests that Recover Instead of Failing

Are you tired of flaky automation scripts that fail without apparent cause? Are most script failures due to bugs in the test script rather than bugs in the product? Do you simply want to get more out of your automation framework? Many testers and organizations are frustrated with the high...

Scott Miles
Get a Handle on Your Test Data—Starting Now

If you don’t proactively manage and control your application test data, you may be missing out on a big process improvement that will save money, improve test coverage, and may save your systems from embarrassing failures. Paul Merrill describes the advantages and disadvantages of four...

Paul Merrill


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