Better Software Magazine Articles

Understanding Test Automation Patterns

Automated testing is vital for every software development organization's quality assurance activities. Dorothy Graham and Seretta Gamba demonstrate how to classify issues that occur during test automation. The authors maintain that certain test results have root causes that can be categorized as patterns that require specific mitigation strategies.

Scaling DevOps at the Enterprise Level

DevOps for the enterprise is the set of activities that support development and testing being managed within a framework for delivering the software into a stable production environment. Kim Megahee believes that DevOps can be successfully deployed with the adoption of Akaizen.

Kim Megahee's picture Kim Megahee
A Tale of Two Doctors and the Value Stream

Johanna Rothman compares the experience a patient has with doctors to software development. Producing value implies that the customer believes the software you create provides an important benefit by taking into  consideration the way a user works along with an exceptional user experience.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
How to Design a Test Strategy

Speaking from his experience with test-centered design projects, Jon Hagar explores some testing pitfalls that could have been avoided if the right test strategy had been chosen. You won't find a better, easier-to-understand explanation of a practical test strategy.

Jon Hagar's picture Jon Hagar
The Danger of Testing "Only" Stories

Finding defects late is a common issue when teams don't consider levels of precision or detail. You must take into account how stories and features fit into the system. In this FAQ column, Janet Gregory tells you how you should remember the big picture—even while testing the small stuff.

Janet Gregory's picture Janet Gregory
Leveraging Automated Testing to Improve Product Quality

Improving product quality is often a very difficult task for even the best software development organizations. Rajini says the additional benefits of automation include benchmarking, code scanning analysis, end-to-end test cases, and compatibility validation.

Rajini  Padmanaban's picture Rajini Padmanaban
Quick, Before We Release

Matt Heusser presents ten key factors to establish a team cadence—the time between running tests and getting a product into production. The shorter the cadence, the less time spent in test/fix/retest land, and the more time spent working on new features.

Matthew Heusser's picture Matthew Heusser
Avoiding the Prioritization Trap

With incoming priorities being requested by just about everybody, how in the world can you and your team prioritize? Brandon shows you some innovative techniques that you can use to turn chaos into order.  One surprising approach is simply handling priorities on a first-in, first-out basis.

Brandon Carlson's picture Brandon Carlson
Why Do Defects Escape?

What happens when defects go unnoticed until it is too late? Mayank provides an insightful view of the true cost of not providing enough test coverage during a software development lifecycle. He also suggests some techniques to ensure that defects are identified and mitigated early.

Mayank Sharma's picture Mayank Sharma
Feeling Lost in the Woods? Mind Maps Can Help

Claire takes us on a nontraditional journey where designing and implementing testing approaches can be rapidly organized into a hierarchy of connected elements. Mind maps, used primarily for visual and conceptual thinking, may be just the answer for quality assurance professionals.

Claire Moss's picture Claire Moss


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