
The Bugs That Deceived Me The Bugs That Deceived Me

Every time we look at the data, we perform an analysis that helps us make decisions—hopefully the right ones. In this article, Gil Zilberfeld describes a few traps where bug data misled him to make bad decisions. These traps are in the data itself, not the tools, and can lead us in the wrong direction.

Gil Zilberfeld's picture Gil Zilberfeld
2013: A Year of Software Development and Testing in Quotes

In this roundup of noteworthy quotes from industry experts interviewed in 2013, read about what constitutes effective agile methods, the year in testing techniques, and why you shouldn't put too much trust in the latest and greatest tools.

Jonathan Vanian's picture Jonathan Vanian
 Chaos, Intuition, and Getting to the Party Early Book Survey: Chaos, Intuition, and Getting to the Party Early

Michael Larsen takes a look at four books that can benefit you in your software development and testing career. From a book on how humans perceive predictability to a novel about DevOps, Larsen's literature roundup will give you an idea of what good reads are out there.

Michael Larsen's picture Michael Larsen
Configuration Flags Configuration Flags: A Love Story

By implementing configuration flags as part of the initial stages of development, engineers imbue all new features with the capability to leverage system-level strategies, such as multivariate testing, beta testing, and “emergency toggles.” In this article, Noah Sussman describes some battle-tested strategies to implement and leverage configuration flags in production.

Noah Sussman's picture Noah Sussman
Two Key Ingredients in Accelerating Software Delivery Continuous Testing and Deployment: Two Key Ingredients in Accelerating Software Delivery

Continuous testing along with continuous deployment enables the rapid delivery of higher quality applications due to additional testing activities. Together, integrating these practices can help organizations achieve a DevOps approach to software delivery, seize market opportunities, and reduce time to customer feedback.

Al Wagner's picture Al Wagner
The Wisdom of Crowds

The "wisdom of crowds," or crowdsourced testing, can be a powerful tool if harnessed correctly. It also can backfire when tweaking user-facing functionality in a live environment, as a couple of big-name companies discovered. Tread carefully!

Erik Petersen's picture Erik Petersen
Writing Good Test Cases

We all know writing test cases is an integral part of the testing activity. In order to write good test cases, we must first understand what a test case is and why we need to write test cases. Can’t we live without writing test cases?

Anand Gupta's picture Anand Gupta
Creating Compelling Checklists

This article discusses practical and proven ideas on how testers can make their own checklists. It evolved partly as a response to many queries regarding testing checklists on this website’s Discussion Boards. The idea of this article is to guide testers to make their own checklists.

Yogita Sahoo's picture Yogita Sahoo
Building a Configuration Management (CM) Capability for Test


As more test items exist, there is a tendency for them to evolve due to the changes to requirements and code and, therefore, must be managed effectively. When there are an increasing number of test items, this increases the risk of failing to accurately track all test items, particularly when this is done manually. This is where configuration management (CM) can help.


Mario  Moreira's picture Mario Moreira
QA Preventing Failure Suffering for Success

One of the most valuable services a QA group provides is preventing failure. Ironically if the group succeeds at this, QA might find themselves unpopular or out of a job. Linda Hayes reveals how typical methods of measuring success can actually cause failure. Especially if success is achieved at the loser's expense.

Linda Hayes's picture Linda Hayes


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