Conference Presentations

Mindmaps: Lightweight Documentation for Testing

Quality starts with requirements. In small to mid-size companies, it is not uncommon for the communication chain to be broken. Florin Ursu shares ways to avoid miscommunication through a streamlined process in which requirements are communicated to both developers and testers...

Florin Ursu, DMEautomotive
STAREAST 2015: Risk-Based Testing for Agile Projects

Many projects implicitly use some kind of risk-based approach for prioritizing testing activities. However, critical testing decisions should be based on a product risk assessment process using key business drivers as its foundation. For agile projects, this assessment should be both...

Erik van Veenendaal, Improve IT Services BV
Continuous Testing in the Cloud

Are you looking to fulfill the promise of continuous delivery (CD), a process that accelerates the release of software through automation and the practice of continuous integration (CI)? Chris Broesamle can help with that. Explore how to create a full CD solution entirely in the cloud...

Chris Broesamle, Sauce Labs
Quality Assurance Is a Process, Not a Department

QA is often considered that lonely department of testers whose job is to find defects before the customer does. It's not always glamorous, but QA deserves to be recognized as a key cog in the testing  machine. To achieve business goals, it is Susan Bradley's view that the QA process needs to be embraced throughout the entire software development lifecycle.

Susan Bradley's picture Susan Bradley
Traceable Tests Guide Your Agile Development with Traceable Tests

Testing professionals who are learning about agile often want to know how they can provide traceability among automated tests, features, and bugs and report on their testing progress. Here, Lisa Crispin gives an example of how her previous team worked together to integrate testing with coding and helped everyone see testing progress at a glance.

Lisa Crispin's picture Lisa Crispin
How to Design a Test Strategy

Speaking from his experience with test-centered design projects, Jon Hagar explores some testing pitfalls that could have been avoided if the right test strategy had been chosen. You won't find a better, easier-to-understand explanation of a practical test strategy.

Jon Hagar's picture Jon Hagar
Crafting Smaller User Stories: Examples and Exercises

Agile development techniques generally emphasize frequent iterations. But even after adopting agile values, methods, and ceremonies, many organizations struggle to make such iterations work in practice. These organizations inevitably wrestle with agile rhythms until they learn to break up...

Stephen Frein, Comcast
Establishing an Agile Testing Culture

Many resources describe how to accelerate performance of your development organization through adoption of agile methodologies, but very few cover testing in a practical manner. And those that do generally focus on technical details, leaving out how to build an agile testing culture while...

Leigh Ishikawa, TripAdvisor
Test Automation in Agile: A Successful Implementation

Many teams feel that they are forced to make an either/or decision when it comes to investing time to automate tests versus executing them manually. Sometimes a “silver bullet” tool is purchased, and testers are forced to use it when there may be a better option; other times unskilled team...

Melissa Tondi, Denver Automation and Quality Engineering
The Survey Says: Testers Spend Their Time Doing...

How can testers contribute more to the success of their project and their company? How can they focus on asking the right questions, improving test planning and design, and finding defects so the business releases a quality product―even though there’s always one more fire to extinguish or...

Al Wagner, IBM


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