Conference Presentations

Leading Internationally-Distributed Test Teams

Are you employing your offshore test team to its best advantage—gaining the cost savings and test coverage you expected? Unless correct management methodologies are in place, you will lose rather than gain both time and money with internationally-distributed testers. If you are...

Dennis Pikora, Symantec
Test Improvement in Our Rapidly Changing World

In organizations adopting the newest development approaches, classical test process improvement models no longer fit. A more flexible approach is required today. Solutions like SOA, virtualization, web technology, cloud computing, mobile, and the application of social media have changed...

Martin Pol, Polteq Testing Services BV
Speed Up Testing with Monitoring Tools

The software development lifecycle is a pretty complex process in many organizations. However, by using monitoring tools and methodologies, you can accelerate testing and release higher quality code―the cornerstone of rapid software delivery. These tools provide immediate feedback...

Jim Hirschauer, AppDynamics
The Test Manager’s Role in Agile: Balancing the Old and the New

What do test managers do? In traditional organizations, they assign people to projects, oversee the testers’ progress, provide feedback, and perhaps offer coaching to people who want it. Test managers are the go-to people when you don't know how to do something—not because they know...

Mary Thorn, ChannelAdvisor
Making Your Test Automation Transparent

Business analysts, developers, and testers are sometimes not on the same page when it comes to test automation. When there is no transparency in test cases, execution, coverage, and data, review of automation by all stakeholders is difficult. Making automation scripts easily readable and...

Subodh Parulekar, AFour Technologies, Inc.
Testing the New Disney World Website

At Walt Disney Parks and Resorts Technology, we provide the applications and infrastructure our online guests use to plan, book, explore, and enjoy their stay at our parks and resorts. With millions of page views per day and a multi-billion dollar ecommerce booking engine, we face a unique...

Les Honniball, Walt Disney Parks and Resorts Technology
Five Ways to Improve Your Mobile Testing

Few technology shifts have impacted the way we do business as much as mobile. The new and exciting functionality delivered by mobile apps, the pace at which they are being developed, and their emergence as the “face of the business” requires that organizations deliver unprecedented quality...

Dennis Schultz, IBM
Speak Like a Test Manager

Ever feel like your manager, development manager, product manager, product owner, or (you fill in the blank) is not listening to you or your team? Are you struggling to make an impact with your messages? Are you “pushing a wet rope uphill” in championing product quality? Are you talking...

Mike Sowers, Software Quality Engineering
Implementing Outsourced Testing Services with a Third Party

Outsourcing test services are all the rage today. But are they really faster, better, and cheaper? Shelley Rueger shares how you can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your test process using a third-party test service. She provides guidance on how to determine if your product is...

Shelley Rueger, Moxie Software
Testers, Use Metrics Wisely or Don’t Use Them at All

For thousands of years, human language has provided us with beautiful and complex ways of sharing important ideas. At the same time, language can derail attempts to communicate even the most basic pieces of critical information. We testers are the heralds of vast amounts of data, and...

Deborah Kennedy, Aditi Technologies


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