Conference Presentations

Testing Business Models--Why Are They Important?

Software testing can be an expensive endeavor if not approached in an efficient manner. Discover how a Testing Business Model has been instrumental in Telcordia's success in managing SQA testing. Robert Lindquist discusses how a clean separation of system test from design has been a key component in Telcordia's SQE Independent Testing Organization recognition as "best-in-class."

Robert Lindquist, Telcordia Technologies, Inc.
STARWEST 1999: A Risk-Based Test Strategy

Testing information systems should be based on the business risks to the organization using these information systems. In practice, test managers often take an intuitive approach to test coverage for risks. In this presentation, you will discover how a "stepwise" definition of test strategy can be used for any test level as well as the overall strategy, providing better insight and a sound basis for negotiating testing depth.

Ingrid Ottevanger, IQUIP Informatica B.V.
Managing Complex Test Resource Logistics

Testing finds the most critical, customer-impacting bugs when performed under conditions that simulate the deployed environment. Based on his experiences as a test manager, Rex Black discusses planning and managing the logistics of complex, multi-site test environments. Learn how to use a simple database to plan, track, and communicate the hardware, software, human, and configuration implications of executing test suites.

Rex Black, Rex Black Consulting Services, Inc.
Key Factors in Achieving CMM Level 5 Testing

Few organizations have achieved a Level 5 rating on the SEI's Capability Maturity Model (CMM). John Romanak describes Telcordia's experience in implementing a CMM Level 5 process with proven benefits and its impact on testing. Learn about the major testing challenges and enormous paradigm shifts that took place at Telcordia (formerly Bellcore) in their journey to CMM Level 5. At Telcordia, testing and testers are valued, career satisfaction is emphasized, test strategies are developed during the software sales process, and error prevention and test cost efficiency are the focus.

John Romanak, Telcordia Technologies, Inc.
Integrated Development/Test Project Teams

David Petrella describes a real-life situation where Test was part of the Development team and included in all phases of the development lifecycle, resulting in a highly successful software project. Here, he discusses the strategy, issues, difficulties, and successes of working as an integrated team to develop software. Learn how challenging the established process can pay off in your organization.

David Petrella, Keane, Inc.
Testing Component-Based Software

Today component engineering is gaining substantial interest in the software engineering community. Jerry Gao provides insight and observations on component testability and proposes a new model to represent and measure the maturity levels of a component testing process. In this presentation, you will identify, classify, and discuss new issues in testing component-based software.

Jerry Gao, San Jose State University
Software Inspection: Taking a Step Forward to Completion

A software inspection is a well-known method in the industry today to improve the quality of software that we produce. Examine the problems that Intel Corporation faced with implementing this process and how they overcame the issues to see some very good results--ultimately attaining closure with 96% of their inspections.

Neela Majumder, Intel Corporation
Software Inspection: Taking a Step Forward to Completion


Neela Majumder, Intel Corporation
Making Sense Out of Test Planning

Too often, a neophyte test planner is overwhelmed by the complexity and scope of test planning. Kathy Iberle presents several practical methods to divide the testing into manageable pieces. Based on her experiences as a test planner for a wide range of software applications, she offers guidance on which methods work best in what circumstances.

Kathy Iberle, Hewlett-Packard
Establishing the Test Process in a Young Software Organization

Establishing a test process in a young software organization with ongoing projects is a complex and intensive activity. It may be difficult to make upper management understand the test team purposes and to establish good relationships with the development, quality assurance, and configuration management teams. Explore some of the problems and lessons learned during a two-year span of test activity. Learn useful ideas from other testers who have been there, done that.

Enrico Omar Casati, Spazio01 S.P.A.


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