Conference Presentations

Testing in the Fast Lane: Automated Acceptance Testing in an eXtreme Programming Environment

Are you looking to apply the values of eXtreme Programming (XP) to test automation? In eXtreme Programming Explained, Kent Beck compares XP to driving a car-meaning the team must make constant corrections to stay on track. This includes plotting the course, establishing check points, tracking progress, and occasionally even asking for directions. But XP test professionals have a need for speed given their tight deadlines, so is this much process really possible? To be the windshield and not the bug, you have to use lightweight automated test frameworks and tools that won't slow you down. Lisa Crispin delivers pointers on selecting or developing these tools to assist in test automation.

Lisa Crispin, BoldTech Systems
Software Test Automation Fall 2001: Test Automation with Action Words: A Practical Experience

Action Word Testing. This concept illuminates testing as an action, a process, an art. Learn how Action Word Testing can be applied to deal with critical test issues such as lack of functional knowledge of a system under test; instability of the design during test development; and automation of 100% of the functional or technical tets. Hans Buwalda uses a financial exchange that's introduced a new electronic trading system to demonstrate Action Word Testing (approximately 15,000 tests). In this example, automation of the entire test was essential, but it was difficult to achieve. Explore this real-world situation as it reveals the issues encountered in the process, and the lessons learned from them.

Hans Buwalda, LogiGear Corporation
Retrospectives: They're Not Just For Developers Anymore

Traditional methods for improving testing include training, hiring, adding new processes, building infrastructure, and buying new tools. But what about increasing the capability of the team? Author Aldous Huxley said, "Experience is not what happens to a man; it is what a man does with what happens to him." The same is true for software teams: It's what we do with our experience that matters. Too often, we don't do much-if anything-to squeeze learning out of our experience. Retrospectives are a way to take the "what happened" during a software project and use it to build understanding. Testing borrows a page from adult learning theory and project reviews to increase team capability through Testing Retrospectives, and determines how to do more of what worked and less of what didn't.

Esther Derby, Esther Derby Associates Inc
Testing Mission Critical Software Changes

This paper is based on a recent experience implementing and testing a large new software capability in a
maintenance organization which had not dealt with a large change in some time. The capability was called
GPC Payload Command Filter (GPCF). While the task was completed successfully, it was not without
cost in terms of schedule slips and personal angst.
The purpose of this paper will be to help the verifier learn from what was done right and what was done
wrong, hopefully to avoid the pitfalls and emulate the successes. Specifically, the objective is as follows:
To provide guidance on how to successfully test a large new software capability using verification processes which have specialized over time to provide extremely effective results
for relatively small changes.

Alan Ogletree, United Space Alliance
Identifying Testing Priorities Through Risk Analysis

It's impossible to test everything-even in the most trivial of systems. Tight time schedules and shortages of trained testing personnel exacerbate this problem; so do changing priorities, feature creep, and loss of resources. In many companies, test professionals either begin their work on whichever components they encounter first, or the parts they're most familiar with. Unfortunately, these approaches may result in the delivery of a system where the most critical components remain untested. Or, at the very least, critical components are tested later in the lifecycle when there may not be time to fix the problems found. All of this adds to the risk of a project. One way to overcome every one of these challenges is to employ the use of risk analysis. Rick Craig demonstrates the basics of a usable process for assigning testing priorities based on relative risk.

Rick Craig, Software Quality Engineering
Career Path Activities for Test Professionals

Ever wonder how some people seem to find the time to always do that "little extra" to benefit their careers? Have you ever thought about writing an article, speaking at a conference, or even teaching a course, but didn't know where to begin? There are lots of ways to jump-start your career through professional development activities that benefit both you and your employer. Learn how your participation in these activities can enhance your career and market your company. Journey with the instructor and find the inspiration (and energy) to maintain a diversity of activities that'll make your professional mark. Find out how easy it is to get started and where to obtain more information about updating your skills, sharing your knowledge, and helping others within our profession.

Eric Patel, RapidSQA
Blind Alleys in Automated Testing

More often than not, even modest software test automation efforts fail to achieve their goals. Usually these project shortcomings happen because the introduction of test automation reduces the effectiveness of the test group, thereby reducing the number of tests and the number and complexity of product defects found. Several common misconceptions about the value and techniques for software test automation contribute to this problem. Douglas Hoffman explores some of the more common issues and addresses how to recognize and avoid them. He delves into each blind alley, describing each one and showing you how and why they sometimes lead to failure. He then offers you strategies for understanding and avoiding them.

Douglas Hoffman, Software Quality Methods LLC
STAREAST 2002: How to Break Software

Trying to figure out how you can become a more effective tester? That's easy: Become a better bug hunter. This presentation uncovers the root cause of software failure and offers techniques you can use to find bugs. James Whittaker shows you examples of real bugs and diagnoses their cause, while giving you the opportunity to ask questions based on your own determinations. He also describes a set of testing techniques designed to help find bugs in your applications more quickly. You'll even walk away with some fun exercises to help create a better overall testing culture at your company.

James Whittaker, Florida Institute of Technology
Four Keys to Better Test Management

Three years ago, Christopher DeNardis embarked on a career as a software tester. After just one year of testing, he was promoted to leader of the test group. In this session, he shows you the four keys to getting through those times and becoming better organized as a test manager: 1. a common set of ground rules on the test progress, defect reporting, and verification; 2. the ability to convey how your team's testing is going on a frequent basis; 3. knowing what needs to be tested and being able to stand behind the reasons why; and 4. maintaining good communication with the development leaders to help move the product through the development phases.

Chris DeNardis, Rockwell Automation
Testing in the .NET Maze

.NET is a multi-tiered approach to developing applications for Windows OS and Web applications. While these are new development tools, many testing requirements remain the same, yet require additional emphasis by a QA organization. Plus, with .NET's extra layers of abstraction, even more developers enter the programming arena with fewer technical skills than previously needed for standard Windows development. For instance, if a bug is found "in the depths" there's now more likely to be a work-around to the issue instead of a true fix. In other words, treating the symptoms instead of finding a cure will now become the norm. This presentation introduces you to the big picture of .NET and what you need to be aware of as your employer moves in this new direction.

Thomas Arnold, Xtend Development, Inc.


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